The 12 best foods you can take with you if you go hiking

When we prepare our backpack to travel, we always think: “this time I am taking only what I need”. But, as this statement is usually difficult to fulfill, the space we leave for snacks and meals is usually limited. Also, we don’t want weight to keep us from enjoying the ride and ruin the hike.

If you are one of those people who loves to travel backpacking, we bring you the detailed list of the 12 best foods that you can take on an excursion . In this way, you will only have to worry about putting the rest of your life in your backpack.

Alimentos para llevarte a una excursión

12 foods to take you on a hike

These are the most suitable foods to accompany you on your trip, rich in energy, proteins and vitamins, and light in weight:

1. Nuts and seeds

Due to their small size and high level of nutrients , nuts and seeds are ideal for backpackers. Taking into account that throughout the day physical exhaustion can be very high, especially depending on the terrain we walk on, it is necessary to have good supplies of calorie-dense foods (Hill, Swain and Hill, 2008).

In addition to their high caloric intake, these foods are also high in vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, fiber and protein, so they are also recommended for those who travel in the usual way and need to be prepared to face long daily walks.

los frutos secos como fuente de energía para el mochilero

2. Dried fruit

The great advantage of dehydrated fruit compared to natural fruit is that, because the excess water has been eliminated, the growth of bacteria that cause the fruit to spoil is prevented (Lutz, Hernández and Henríquez, 2015). However, despite the elimination of water, this variety of fruit preserves many of the nutrients that we find in fresh fruit, providing vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber and carbohydrates.

A common example would be raisins, which can be mixed, like other fruits, with nuts and seeds, thus creating a very energetic and tasty snack.

la fruta deshidratada es fuente de nutrientes durante la excursión

3. Jerky

Fruit and fish are reliable sources of protein, but they are problematic to transport and store when backpacking. This is why, instead, a perfect food to replace them would be jerky. This is basically fish or dried meat , as easy to preserve as the fruit we referred to earlier.

The possibilities are several: from meats like chicken, veal or turkey, to fish like salmon; These are some of the types of jerky you can choose from when buying your supplies for the trip.

Cecina como fuente de proteína para llevar de excursión

4. Nut butter

With an expiration time of more than one year and a high content of calories, healthy fats and protein   (Gorrepati, Balasubramanian & Chandra, 2014), nut butter are a must on this list.

Perhaps the best known is peanut, but considering that it would be difficult to pack an entire jar of any of the butter varieties, small packages or dehydrated options are also a good option. Of course, the appropriate thing would be to choose natural products, without added sugars.

La mantequilla de cacahuete es saludable

5. Protein bars

This snack is a good choice when you need to boost your protein levels. As in any context in which energy and muscle wear is high, when you travel with your backpack on your back it is necessary to have sources of protein that help you repair muscle and end the feeling of hunger (Kato, Suzuki, Bannai and Moore, 2016).

Protein bars are perfect for this purpose and, in addition to not needing refrigeration, they have a very long shelf life. Another plus point is that it doesn’t matter what type of diet you follow: vegetarians and vegans can enjoy them without problem. Let’s not forget, however, that we must also opt for the healthiest options, without artificial ingredients or added sugars.

Los mejores alimentos para excursionistas

6. Instant oatmeal

Oatmeal is another good option to include in your supplies, and can be combined, for example, with nuts and seeds to increase the dose of protein and healthy fats, thus keeping you active throughout the day.

Among the main assets that this cereal provides, we find fiber, vitamin B, magnesium and manganese, apart from being a good source of carbohydrates . But let’s not forget, as with the previous foods, to make sure that our product is free of additives that make it a less healthy food.

la avena instantánea es una buena fuente de carbohidratos para excursionistas

7. Powdered milk

Powdered milk is the alternative to fresh milk when it comes to buying supplies for a trip or excursion. This, apart from turning your oatmeal breakfast or your coffee into something more succulent, is a source of high calories that will be essential in the hardest moments of the walk.

Obviously, there’s no need to refrigerate it, and it comes loaded with high-quality protein, B vitamins, calcium, potassium, and phosphorous.

La leche en polvo es muy adecuada para excursionistas

8. Coffee and tea

These are two drinks that help you start the day with energy and a good mood, as well as being easy to transport (you can choose small packages) and to prepare.

Do not deprive yourself of making a gap between your provisions, and enjoy a hot coffee very early. As explained in their study by Grgic, Trexler, Lazinica and Pedisic (2018), caffeine will help you stay energetic and focused during your excursion.

Mejores bebidas para llevarte de excursión

9. Fish and meat in foil package

Unlike canned goods, aluminum packages are lightweight, making them ideal for backpackers.

This type of packaging allows you to transport fish and poultry (such as tuna, salmon, sardines or chicken), which will be a huge source of quality protein to add to your excursion .

In addition to proteins, they will provide you with vitamin B and iron, among other nutrients, which are very necessary to keep you in good shape during your adventure.

Llevar alimentos empaquetados en aluminio a una excursión

10. Cured cheese

Cured cheeses have a long life, so you do not have to worry about their refrigeration, and they are a wonderful snack to help you regain energy, as well as a good accompaniment to improve the flavor of other foods.

el queso curado es ideal para excursiones

11. Beans in foil packet

Like other preserves, canned ones can add too much weight to your backpack, which would be counterproductive. For this reason, aluminum is again the most recommended option.

Beans, in all their variants, have a long life, so you do not have to worry about their expiration. Similarly, the nutrients they provide are very varied, including the following: protein, fiber, magnesium, iron, zinc, selenium and vitamin B.

Las alubias son una fuente de proteína para mochileros

12. Whole grains

There are several reasons that make whole grains worthy of being on this list: there are no concerns about expiration, they are very versatile, you can enjoy them at any time of the day, and the best way to prepare them is the most common when you travel. backpacking: with a good fire.

Their portability makes them perfect to put them in your backpack, and the nutrients they provide are important. Among them, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals.

The best are quinoa, oats, farro or buckwheat.

Mejores granos integrales para llevarte de excursión


To be able to endure a trip of this type, food is essential; that’s why finding the perfect foods that keep your nutrient levels in top condition is of the utmost importance.

These 12 foods that we have detailed are great substitutes for meat, dairy or fresh fruit, as well as being easy to transport and light in weight. You can add them to your backpack comfortably, thus ensuring that you will be full of energy throughout the journey.


  • Gorrepati, K., Balasubramanian, S. and Chandra, P. (2014). Plant Based Butters. Journal of Food Science and Technology. doi: 10.1007 / s13197-014-1572-7
  • Grgic, J., Trexler, ET, Lazinica, B. and Pedisic, Z. (2018). Effects of Caffeine Intake on Muscle Strength and Power: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Journal of the International Society of Sport Nutrition. doi: 10.1186 / s12970-018-0216-0
  • Hill, LC, Swain, DP and Hill, EL (2008). Energy Balance During Backpacking. International Journal of Sports Medicine. doi: 10.1055 / s-2008-1038492
  • Kato, H., Suzuki, K., Bannai, M. and Moore, D. (2016). Protein Requeriments Are Elevated in Endurance Athletes After Exercise as Determined by the Indicator Amino Acid Oxidation Method. Plos One. Doi: 10.1371 / journal.pone.0157406
  • Lutz, M., Hernández, J. and Henríquez, C. (2015). Phenolic content and antioxidant capacity in fresh and dry fruits and vegetables grown in Chile. CyTA. Journal of Food . doi: 10.1080 / 19476337.2015.1012743