This is how the dish our children should eat must be

Harvard experts have developed the menu for a perfect infant diet. The feeding of children is very important, because no matter how many eyes they put on us, many pouts they make and the occasional tantrum, children should not eat the same as adults. Many times, due to lack of time or knowledge, we end up giving in and then health problems such as obesity or gastrointestinal problems arrive.

A group of Harvard nutrition experts has created a kind of guide with which to offer our children a complete and balanced meal. The infant feeding that they propose has 4 fundamental pillars, also highlighting the importance of staying active and hydrated.

Healthy Vegetables, Fruits, Whole Grains, and Proteins

These are the 4 fundamental pillars proposed by experts in infant feeding. On the one hand, we have vegetables or greens, let’s call it what we want, and the more quantity and variety there is, the better. With regard to fruits, they are an indispensable element and we must avoid juices, so it is better to eat pieces of fruit or whole fruits.

Whole or whole grains is something we don’t pay attention to when it comes to infant feeding. Experts say children should eat healthy whole grain or minimally processed foods. Some examples are whole wheat pasta, quinoa, whole wheat, brown rice, 100% whole wheat bread, etc. and we must eliminate refined cereals from the diet, since whole grains have a better effect on the blood glucose level.

With regard to proteins, we once again recall that infant nutrition shares some foods and ingredients with adult diets, but we should not downplay the importance of that. Experts indicate that you should considerably limit red meat and choose healthy plant proteins such as legumes, seeds and nuts. Also, the meat they recommend is fish, some poultry (chicken and turkey) and eggs as an important protein.

Guía para alimentación infantil llamada Plato para comer saludable para niños


Oil, dairy and other recommendations

Infant nutrition must be very balanced, low in salt and free of other spices, but we can add healthy vegetable oils such as extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) , sunflower oil and others such as corn oil, canola, peanut, among others. The one that should always prevail is EVOO, in small quantities.

When it comes to dairy, baby food experts recommend leaving flavored yogurts aside and directly choosing the natural one without added sugar . This choice makes these foods a range of possibilities, since we can mix it with cereals, fruits, seeds and other options.

Dairy products, such as cheese (in small quantities), are an essential source of vitamin D. What we must be clear about is limiting the amounts of each dairy and for this, it is time to ask the pediatrician and other experts in infant nutrition.

Experts also recommend that our children choose water over other unhealthy options such as processed juices, sodas, sports drinks, colored water, and other sugar-laden drinks. All this leads to type 2 diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular problems, etc.

Sport as a way to reduce sedentary lifestyle and the diseases that we have mentioned above. Another key recommendation in this guide called Healthy Eating Plate for Kids. Experts recommend 1 hour of daily activity (at least) and in that time you can run, use a scooter, jump rope, use a bicycle, etc.