The 10 most effective exercises to burn fat

If you are an athlete and you are looking to lose those extra kilos that are so difficult to lose, you should know the ten most effective exercises to burn fat . These exercises are based on weight training and cardiovascular exercise (or a combination of both) and will surprise you both for their ease and their effectiveness since you can improve many athletic abilities at the same time. In addition, you can do them at home, in the gym or outdoors, so you can adapt them to your schedules or preferences.

1. Pyramidal series

entrenamiento para perder peso

Pyramid training basically consists of exhausting a muscle , which will save you time since you do not need to rest and repeat the exercise. It is one of the most recommended methods to achieve an explosion in exercise that helps you burn more fat. The more explosive the exercise, the more calories you burn in less time. It is advisable to start with a light weight and more repetitions and then decrease the repetitions and increase the weight.

2. Tabata


If you are looking for an alternative and aerobic exercise , you should choose the Tabata. It is a very energetic workout that includes explosive intervals with little rest. A Tabata routine is estimated to burn 14 calories per minute and double metabolic rate after 30 minutes. Squats, sit-ups and push-ups, among other exercises, make up this method.

3. High intensity intervals

hiit para perder grasa

To lose weight faster and improve your athletic ability in short periods, there are high intensity intervals (better known as HIIT). Walking for a minute and alternating with a brisk 30-second jog in whatever time you have is much more effective at burning calories in less time.

4. Aerobic exercises with weights

cardio en cinta de correr

The idea of this activity is to combine weight training with some aerobic training to make the most of your time in the gym. For example, you can do squats followed by sit-ups, jumping jacks, or running on the treadmill. In this way you are exercising the muscles but also your aerobic part, in this way you get to burn more calories. Try to keep the time intervals between exercise and exercise short so that the training is more explosive and in this way you spend calories faster and in less time.

5. Descending series

quemar grasa

In these series you start with your regular weight and then you decrease it in each of the series. The effect of descending series is to achieve a great oxygen deficit with a great hormonal response , which will make you burn calories much faster . To achieve hypertrophy of the muscle, it is necessary that the series be performed consecutively.

6. Plyometric exercises

ejercicios pliométricos

Plyometrics are measured by how many times your feet or hands hit the ground. They are explosive exercises that, combined with other conventional movements, will help you lose weight and get in shape much faster. It is recommended that to perform them you are already in very good shape, both from the muscular and aerobic point of view.

7. Superset

super series

As the name implies, these activities consist of doing sets of opposing muscles , such as biceps and triceps or back and chest, without rest and gaining weight as the sets go on. This exercise is very effective in burning as many calories as possible in less time since the muscle is quickly depleted.

8. Composite series

Series compuestas

Compound sets are very similar to super sets , the only difference is that instead of doing exercises with opposite muscles, compound sets are done with the same muscle group . This exercise is very useful to be able to train each muscle group to failure.

9. Giant series

Series gigantes

These series are for those who have an iron will. They consist of doing three or more exercises for the same muscle group without resting! In addition to that, rest times should be a maximum of 10 seconds. Only for gym lovers. Doing these exercises consecutively not only achieves muscle hypertrophy, but also burns a huge amount of calories.

10. Compound exercises


The combination of movements , for example squatting, helps several distant muscle groups such as the shoulders and quadriceps. Combining exercises is the best way to save time doing two movements at the same time and in this way achieve a greater demand on our body, which allows us to burn calories faster, working several muscles at the same time.


If you are looking to burn fat with the most effective movements, do not hesitate to resort to these exercises that will help you feel more stable, improving your flexibility and your aerobic capacity, to feel better every day.