Mistakes when it comes to losing fat

Fat loss is one of the most sought after goals. This process is not too difficult, however, due to various factors, it has established itself as a real challenge. In this article, we will mention some mistakes that you could make when it comes to losing fat, and that would hinder your goal.

Not being realistic with what you eat or do

A high percentage of people with a goal of fat loss underestimate what they eat and overestimate what they spend.

On the one hand, caloric expenditure is overestimated (it usually occurs when you have little experience in the field of training). These people, when they follow a training plan, perceive a greater effort than they are actually doing. This has the consequence of estimating a caloric expenditure during the training session higher than it really is.

On the other hand, this sector of people is not being realistic with itself about the calories it is ingesting .

  • Pecking between meals.
  • Added as olive oil or sugar to food.
  • Copious meals after training thinking that this will "go to the muscle".
  • Drink Aquarius thinking that it will keep you hydrated.

These are some examples that will make your total daily caloric intake higher than what you think you are having, which will prevent fat loss. This situation over a long period of time will cause anxiety and stress.

Be realistic with yourself, you are only fooling yourself.

Choose food well

Choosing certain foods incorrectly is one of the main mistakes made by a large part of the population.

Lack of knowledge can lead us to be guided by advertising campaigns, beliefs or myths that are not entirely correct. A clear example of this is the light food campaigns. These campaigns are advertised as salvation when you are hungry. This is a mistake, since many of these light foods or foods intended for the "diet" can contain high amounts of calories in a small volume of food (highly calorie dense).

Therefore, look carefully at food labels , interpret them, and choose nutritious and non-calorie dense products.

Stop eating

Currently, we live in a society in which we aim to achieve everything as quickly and as effortlessly as possible. As a result of this, it is a serious mistake that is made when it comes to losing fat: reducing caloric intake to a minimum .

Much of the population, when they decide to lose fat, they choose to reduce the amount of food they eat to a minimum. This is a problem, to which is added the appearance of miracle diets. These diets aim to lose large amounts of weight in a short period of time.

To understand the problems derived from this action, I leave the link to an article in which the problems associated with miracle diets are explained.