How can we remove stretch marks?

Looking to remove stretch marks ? These are marks that are formed due to the breakage of the elastic fibers of the skin. Of course, they are completely natural and most people have them due to various causes, such as pregnancy or noticeable weight loss. In this way, it is important not to become obsessed with these marks whose meaning is a change on a physical level that has been the consequence, perhaps, of an emotional achievement. Now, there are those who feel uncomfortable with stretch marks because they think they are unsightly and, for those who feel this way, they should know that there are tricks to reduce their appearance.

What are stretch marks?

Before learning how to remove stretch marks , it is important to understand what they are . In this way, it must be clear that when the skin is stretched, the fibers of which it is composed and that have less elasticity break. For this reason, those brands that are known by this name are reflected. At first, stretch marks have a pinkish color . Later, they turn reddish to end up being white. In short, they are the consequences of the separation of the skin.

Stretch marks appear without any discomfort . Now, sometimes, there are people who feel a stretching and burning sensation in the area. Who wants to prevent them, must know that it is important to keep the skin hydrated , it is the only way to keep the dermis more flexible. In this way, if there are physical changes, the skin can be stretched without its fibers suffering a break.

types of stretch marks

Not all stretch marks are the same, there are several types that are characterized by the cause and their physical appearance. These are the following:

  • On the one hand, one can speak of distension striae . These occur when the skin is stretched or distended by sudden changes in weight. Some solutions to these stretch marks can be found in this article.
  • Likewise, there are those stretch marks that are formed in the stage of puberty . It is a very delicate period in which the body changes in many aspects. In addition, in these years there are hormonal disorders that can cause atrophic stretch marks in the body. In the case of not being avoided, these cannot be eliminated in the future. Regarding the stretch marks that appear at these ages, you can find more information here.
  • Likewise, there are striae gravidarum . These occur due to pregnancy and occur, above all, in the area of the hips and breasts, in the belly and in the buttocks. They normally become visible in the sixth month of gestation, a stage in which the dermis begins to tighten.
  • Stretch marks of vatrogenic origin can appear after following a corticosteroid treatment.
  • Finally, carrying out violent exercises that cause changes in textural diameter, as happens in the body of dancers and elite athletes, among others, can also cause the appearance of stretch marks.
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How to remove stretch marks?

Sometimes it is not possible to eliminate stretch marks 100% , but through certain methods very good results can be achieved. The most outstanding are explained below.

Creams to remove stretch marks

Creams and products that contain vitamin A , such as rosehip, are highly recommended for removing stretch marks . The reason is that they possess regenerative properties. Therefore, if applied daily, either in the form of oil or cream, the appearance of the skin will be significantly improved.

Bet on vitamin A and B

Vitamins A and B have the power for the body to produce collagen and regenerate connective tissue. In this way, they are more than advisable when a person wants to improve the appearance of their stretch marks. In these cases, it is advisable to consume foods such as blueberries, kiwi, carrots, watermelon or figs.


Exfoliating treatments have the ability to remove the different layers of the skin and remove impurities. Therefore, they are perfect for getting rid of stretch marks. Likewise, glycolic acid, which is obtained from sugar cane, and mandelic acid, which is present in bitter almonds, offer very satisfactory results. In the case of wanting to bet on deeper treatments, experts recommend diamond tip dermabrasion . This is one of the most effective on the market today.

laser treatments

Another alternative to remove stretch marks are laser treatments. It is true that having a high cost, not everyone can opt for this option. Of course, it is characterized by offering good results.

Mesotherapy to remove stretch marks

It is a treatment that is ideal for removing stretch marks that have just appeared on the body. It consists of injecting certain compounds into the area, such as antioxidants, hyaluronic acid, minerals, vitamins and amino acids, so that the skin recomposes itself through cell regeneration .