The ultimate leg routine

The day when it comes to training legs is feared by many, but it is necessary to exercise our lower body to have the athletic, marked and harmonious physique that we all aspire to achieve from the first moment we set foot in the gym. For that, we must dedicate the required attention to each part of the body, in this case, our legs.

There are a lot of people who just don’t train legs – amazing, but it’s true. The next time you go to the gym, observe people and you may find a man or a woman with very worked shoulders, arms and backs, but when you look down they may have very skinny legs, which is not the best since the aesthetic point of view.

But we must not only train legs for aesthetics, it also has functional benefits: stronger legs increase strength and muscle mass in general, this thanks to the fact that most of the leg training is based on compound exercises such as squats and deadlifts. , that involve the whole body for its execution; In addition, these exercises are the main responsible for greater secretion of testosterone and growth hormone, responsible for developing your muscle mass throughout the body.

Since you have enough reasons to get serious about leg training, here is a routine with the best exercises you can do to work your lower body and get the most out of your leg time in the gym.

The best leg routine

1. Barbell squats

Sentadilla con barra

The classic squat is your sure way to strong, muscular legs. If you’re just starting a serious leg workout, focus on getting the exercise perfectly before you start adding weight – squats poorly done can lead to back and knee injuries.

Do light warm-up sets of 6-8 reps, then do 3 work sets of 10 reps.

2. Barbell front squats

Sentadilla frontal

This variant of the squat concentrates the work on the quadriceps, and for many people it is more comfortable to perform, since it reduces the stress on the knees and lower back than the traditional squat causes; In addition, it literally forces you to do them with the proper technique, since the weight is in front of you and keeps your torso straight.

Make 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

3. Lunges (with barbell or dumbbells)


Apart from working your quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes, lunges or lunges help you develop better balance and increase the flexibility of the hip flexor muscles, which are usually very numb from the long hours we usually spend sitting.

Perform 3 sets of 10 reps per leg.

4. Romanian deadlift

Peso muerto rumano

Work your hamstrings to the max with this variant of the deadlift that you can perform with a barbell or dumbbells. Remember to keep your back straight at all times and your knees slightly bent.

Make 3 sets of 10 repetitions

5. Standing calf raises

Elevaciones de pantorilla

Finish your workout by working your calves. You should perform the lifts covering the full range of motion and hold the position when lifting the weight for a few seconds before lowering to the starting position.

If you don’t have a machine, you can do this exercise with a multipower, getting up on a step bench, or unilaterally on a step using dumbbells.

Perform 3 sets of 8 to 10 reps.

How to do the leg routine?

  • Work towards muscle failure: you should use a weight with which you feel that the 10th repetition is the last you can do in good form, never force a repetition without your technique getting worse.
  • Use the progression: as you do this routine, the starting weight you work with will become easier to handle, increase it to continue obtaining results.
  • Rest 3 minutes between sets.

Performing this routine just 1 day a week, you will see excellent results in a short time: the key is to train heavy and increase loads progressively. When you start to see the changes in your body, you will see the day of training legs with different eyes.


  • Michael Matthews. The Ultimate Leg Workout: The Best Leg Exercises for Big Wheels, for Muscle for Life [Consulted in November 2015]
  • Alex V. 7 Benefits Of Lunges That Will Make You Rethink Leg Training, for King Of The Gym [Consulted in November 2015]