Strength routine to do at home without the need for extra material

It is becoming easier to get in shape. In this way, there are many exercises that can be done without any type of material, requiring only a small space. Therefore, in order for you to feel good about yourself without having to spend significant money on a gym or specialized machinery, throughout this article we are going to describe a strength routine to do at home . You will notice the results in a matter of weeks if you are persistent.

Strength routine to do at home

With the routine that we are going to describe in this section, you can train at any time and place as long as you have a small space . If you are on vacation, it can be in the same hotel room, although you can also use a park or the beach, among other places. The same happens if you are in your city, since you have the opportunity to take advantage of both the rooms in your home, as well as the outdoor spaces that surround it.

Lower body

In order for you to work your lower body efficiently, we are going to propose two simple exercises that obviously require some effort , at least if they are performed correctly.


A well-known exercise that offers very good results is the standing squats or squats holding a 5-liter jug of water . With its performance we will be able to strengthen the quadriceps, the glutes and, to a lesser extent, the part of the hamstrings and abductors.

Rutina de fuerza para hacer en casa

To carry it out, we have to stand up , grasping the 5-liter jug in front of the chest with both hands. In this position we must separate the legs while we have the feet straight supported on the floor. Next, we crouch down as if we were going to sit on a chair . At all times the tension must fall on the legs, which are the ones that have to intervene in the exercise.

The feet must not move at any time and the back must not bend. The reason is to avoid concentrating the effort on the lower back . Of course, the knees should not bear the load either. To achieve this, it is necessary that when descending we throw back our rear as much as possible without losing our balance. If you are a beginner and still do not control these movements well, forget the jug of water. You can add weight to the exercise little by little as you feel ready.

Lunge back

If we want to work the legs in their entirety , the backward stride is one of the most recommended exercises in the strength routine to do at home . On this occasion, we will refocus the effort on the quadriceps, hamstrings, abductors and glutes. Throughout this exercise we will use two carafes, holding one in each hand. To perform the stride we will begin the exercise standing and looking forward with the two carafes on each side. Also, the legs will be kept apart .

Rutina de fuerza para hacer en casa

Then, keeping the back straight, we have to throw one leg back, so that the front leg is fixed and we only bend the knee. We will support the leg brought back by the tip of the foot, lowering the body in turn. The tension should be felt in the muscles of the leg in front and in the gluteal area of the one that we have carried behind.

After doing what is described above, we will return to the starting position . Next, we will carry out the same movement but with the other leg. The back should not be bent at any time because, in this case, we would focus the effort on another area that is not involved in this exercise, such as the lumbar, and may even injure ourselves.

Upper body

If we want to do a good strength routine at home, we must work the upper body to the same extent as the lower body. Next, we describe several exercises that will allow you to do it.

Incline push-ups

With the elbow push-ups we will work the shoulders. It is a very complete exercise that will help us to use our own weight to exercise the area. To do this, we will use a chair on which to support the feet and thus raise the body .

Rutina de fuerza para hacer en casa

The placement of the hands and the trunk is essential. The first ones must be resting on the ground and the arms must be stretched perpendicular to the trunk . Likewise, the hips will serve to bend the legs, which we will keep supported on the chair by the tips of the feet. We will be placed face down. At this point, we will have to descend through the action of the arms , which we will have to bend so that the trunk rises and falls. In addition to the shoulders, we will work the part of the triceps indirectly.

Chest bottoms

For a complete workout, we must not forget about the chest. To do this, we will focus on the chest bottoms . In this way, we will place ourselves on the mat face down with the body stretched and supported by the tips of the feet. The legs will be placed slightly apart and the hands supported by the palms at chest level.

Fondos de pectoral

In this position what we will do is raise our body through the action of the pectoral muscles . To do it properly, it is necessary to stay straight and concentrate all the tension on the part of the chest. We must also pay attention to the posture of the hands so as not to hurt our wrists. Thus, we do not have to bend them excessively or discharge stress on them.


To work these muscles, we will perform the bicep curl . In this way, we will grab a jug of water with each hand. Next, we will raise the load by performing the traditional curl in which the arms remain attached to the trunk completely still. It is only the forearm that must be moved by bending the elbow.

Bíceps con garrafas de agua


To strengthen these muscles , we will need two bases to support ourselves and carry out the triceps dips . In one of them we will hold the arms, throwing them back; and, in the other, we will place our feet. The palms of the hands will be glued to the base, the legs will be straight and the back will be straight. Now we just have to raise the body through the triceps . To do this, the elbows must be bent back. It is advisable to do the movements in a slow and controlled way , to increase the results and avoid any type of injury.

Rutina de fuerza para hacer en casa

If we want to add more difficulty to this exercise, we will only have to place weight on our legs so that the effort when raising our body is greater.

Abdominal plank

Finally, we must not forget about the abs . To perform this exercise we only need a mat to support ourselves on. Once we have this material, we have to place ourselves face down with the body stretched out and the tips of the feet resting on the floor. The arms should be bent at a 90 degree angle. The body has to be completely straight, thus simulating a kind of table through the action of the core.

Rutina de fuerza para hacer en casa

During the entire time that the exercise lasts, the posture must be the same. We can make a greater effort if we open and close our legs during its execution. The way to do it would be, first moving one leg to the side, return to the center and then repeat the same with the other leg.