Is milk acidic or alkaline?

There are rumors about whether foods are alkaline or acidic, and this can be essential depending on the type of diet we follow. The theory is that eating too much acid-forming foods and not enough alkaline foods changes the body’s pH levels and leads to disease. What about milk?

Following an alkaline diet can be difficult when you don’t know what foods are allowed. To clear up any doubts, we analyze the pH of the milk and determine if it is a suitable drink for all types of food.

The pH of the milk

The pH of this drink is 6.7 to 6.9 , which makes it slightly below neutral and therefore forms acid. The exception is raw milk, which can be more alkalizing than pasteurized milk. Some non-dairy milks also form acid, while others are alkalizing. While the pH of milk is 6.7 to 7.9, which makes it slightly acidic, raw milk and buttermilk are considered alkaline . Raw cow’s or goat’s milks are alkaline, although drinking unpasteurized dairy products is not recommended.

Foods and beverages that have a pH of less than 4.6 are highly acidic, while foods with a pH of less than 7 are mildly acid-forming. Although dairy and many non-dairy milks are nearly neutral (a pH of 7), they are still said to contribute to acid formation in the body.

In addition, since cereals are considered acid-forming foods, plant-based milks made from rice also form acid. Soy is also very acidic. In contrast, coconut and almonds are alkaline foods, so the milks made with them can be alkalizing, although it will depend on the additives and processing.

bote de leche

What types are alkaline?

Cow’s milk, pasteurized, canned or dehydrated, is an acidic food. Its pH level is below neutral, and this is because it contains lactic acid. Other milk products such as butter, hard cheeses, cottage cheese, and ice cream also form acid. Yogurt and buttermilk are alkaline foods despite having low pH levels between 4.4 and 4.8.

Like cow’s milk, the pH of goat’s milk depends on how it is treated. Raw goat milk is alkaline in the body. However, most of what is available in stores is pasteurized and acidic. Soy milk is made from soybeans, which are legumes. And, although most legumes are acid-forming foods, soybeans are neutral or alkaline. Therefore, this milk is considered alkaline in the body.

The dairy versions of almonds are an alkaline-forming food. But the same does not happen with the cashew nut, which is acidic. Instead, the effect of coconut milk on the body’s pH depends on how it is produced. Fresh coconut is alkaline, while dry coconut is acidic. Therefore, the origin must be taken into account.