Control your weight, tips to help you stay

When, for whatever reasons, you change your nutrition or training habits, the scale may indicate a different weight. If you have gained 3 kilos and previously did not have problems with the weight, surely you can lose them naturally when you return to your routines, without having to go on a diet. These recommendations will be useful to you to manage your weight.

Tips to control your weight

Save dessert for later

Fruits are high in antioxidants and fiber, therefore, they are foods that you should eat throughout the year. However, eating them after a meal is not highly recommended because you are already satiated and you do not need to eat more food. It is best to leave the fruit for mid-morning or mid-afternoon, arriving less hungry for the next meal. The same happens with yogurt, which is a food full of calcium perfect for weight control, only if they are unsweetened and natural.

Don’t eat processed foods

Try not to eat cold cuts, packaged pastries, or pre-cooked foods. They are foods that are high in unhealthy fats, sugar and salt. As you are not on a diet, you can eat delicious foods such as stews or desserts, but only if you make them yourself.

Hydrate well

It is easier for hydration to get out of control in winter, when it is hot, the feeling of thirst is accused and we tend to drink much more in summer. This is a mistake, because drinking water produces a feeling of fullness and thus we eat less. So, you will have to keep up the rhythm of drinking water in both summer and winter to control your weight.

Check the bread

When the bread is made by hand, it does not have hydrogenated fats or has too much salt, it can be a perfect food for athletes. The problem is not the calories it has, but that sometimes we consume it without control. If we eat a plate of rice, it is very difficult for you to repeat yourself because this food fills up. The same does not happen with bread, we often eat pieces and without realizing it we eat a whole loaf.

Ditch the sugar

It is true that sugar can become addicting, it is never enough to satisfy us. But over time you end up not tasting the true flavor of food well. This is a good time to progressively cut back on sugar and detox. One solution may be to minimize the amount of sugar we add to tea or coffee by half.

Consejos para controlar el peso

A schedule for each meal

Ideally, you should have similar meal times where you eat every 3-4 hours. You do not have to go hungry since this is what diets are designed for, it does not mean that you are eating all the time. At mealtime, try to do it calmly, without distractions and sitting down. Try to eat what the body asks of you, paying attention to feelings of satiety and hunger to consume just what you need. The best thing is that every time you feel hungry, think about whether it is really hungry or is it that you feel stressed or anxious.

Do moderate exercise

Not only is it necessary to carry out a diet to maintain your ideal weight, exercise is an essential part of this process. Running is a perfect exercise to reduce slow transit and improve bowel movement. The best thing is that you practice sports for about 30 minutes a day.

Remember that to stay at your ideal weight you must have patience and discipline since it is a habit that must be acquired slowly. Taking these tips and making an appointment with your nutritionist will be much easier for you.

Let us know how your weight is controlling you!