Sprint training to accelerate fat loss

The sprint is one of the most intense forms of movement you can execute. In less than 10 seconds an Olympic sprinter can cover a distance of around 100 meters or more, which means that the body takes the energy and concentration necessary to achieve it.

Although a 100-meter sprint will burn a few dozen calories, this will allow you after the run to create an incredible fat-burning stimulus due to its effect on metabolism.

In this sense, sprinting is a training based on muscular power. That is why during a session, the 3 energy systems are used (anaerobic, glycolytic and aerobic), with greater emphasis on one or the other, depending on the structure of the session.

Find out how you can benefit from this type of training to accelerate fat loss.

Cómo acelerar la pérdida de grasa

Sprint training to lose fat

Before starting your sprint training , it is essential to think thoroughly about the warm-up you will be doing. This will allow you to prepare mentally and physically for the session, in addition to reducing the risk of injury.

1. Warming up

  1. Do low intensity cardio; the idea is to sweat through a low intensity run for about 4-5 minutes.
  2. Execute specific sprint exercises; the idea is to perform a series of exercises such as walking, lunges, jumps and leg changes (front / back and side to side). This can take another 4-5 minutes, in which you should start to sweat.
  3. Perform plyometrics and progressive accelerations. You will have to perform some exercises such as squats and some accelerations of 30 meters for a time of 4-5 minutes. The idea is to activate your muscles and hone your reaction time in order to generate greater speed.
  4. After about 15 minutes of warm-up, you will be ready to run. To do this, follow the recommendation of this easy-to-follow training.

Entrenamiento a intervalos de sprints

2. Sprint training

Series Distance Break Instruction
4 40 meters at 95% Return to the point of origin walking Do one set every 2 minutes. Rest 5 minutes after the 4 sets.
1 400 meter sprint 2 minutes Run a sprint as fast as possible.
4 100 meters Return to the point of origin walking Chill with walking.

How often should you do this training?

Beginners should start with one sprint run per week. The rest of the athletes can do a sprint session 2 times a week.

If you decide to do this workout frequently, you should be aware that physiological demands can be affected if you don’t get enough rest between workouts. This could lead to overtraining syndrome and injury. So be sure to keep enough rest time between sessions.

Entrenamiento de sprints

Doubts regarding sprint training

1. Are there any contraindications to sprinting training?

Taking a sprint workout can help you burn fat efficiently . However it is important to take the time to warm up properly, and change your training after 4-6 weeks.

A good way to ensure continued progress is to follow a training program with periodization. For example, your first period could be called phase 1, lasting 8-12 weeks. Each phase is made up of 4-week blocks and each block can include micro-phases of 1-2 weeks each.

Within the micro phases you can focus on aspects such as speed or strength. After 1-2 weeks, you should move to a new microphase and change your speed training to move towards another goal.

2. How do you know if this training is right for you?

If you suffer from an injury to any of the lower extremities, hips or shoulders, then it is not advisable to perform this type of training.

For example, if you have an injury, your body will try to compensate for the weakness of the affected muscle through others at the time of running, which could lead to a greater injury.

Therefore, before starting a career, you will have to wait for the injury to disappear, and this can take months or more. Keep in mind that time to heal and recover is crucial to running safely later.

Pérdida de grasa con entrenamiento de sprints

3. How do you know if the sprints are intense enough?

If you are new to sprinting , it is best to start with simple workouts. This will help your body adapt to speed demands later on.

For example, in the first few training sessions you can take short runs instead of focusing on the quality of movement. When you achieve comfort and confidence it is time to shift your focus to a greater intensity.

When you identify the need for longer breaks, then warm up between sets.

Lastly, keep in mind that most people can only maintain maximum speed for about 6 seconds , after which the muscle tissue is depleted, so oxygen cannot be transferred quickly to maintain it. Therefore, work constantly on this type of training.


  • Prioritize technique through training progression.
  • Don’t forget to get enough rest between intervals and workouts in order to reach speed levels later, and therefore your potential to burn fat .
  • Remember that sprinting is an excellent option to accelerate fat loss because it pushes you towards physical and mental limits that lead you to endure running.


  • Jellison, M. 30-Minute Sprint Workout To Burn Fat & Boost Speed. For Builtlean [Revised June 2016]