Spirulina What is it, what to use it for and how to take it correctly?

The importance of using products of natural origin today is quite interesting, because the benefits are greater compared to many products that are synthesized in laboratories. Many extraordinary products of natural origin, such as spirulina, have been discovered to offer a host of properties and benefits.

What is spirulina?

Surely you have heard of many products that you barely knew existed, much less knew about their health benefits in humans. Spirulina is a blue-green algae , which is also defined as a cyanobacterium of the genus Arthrospira . They are unicellular organisms from which the food supplement already processed and ready to be consumed by humans is obtained, another name by which it is known is blue algae , its green color is due to the chlorophyll present and the blue to phycocyanin.

beneficios y qué es la espirulina

This algae became very popular due to the use that NASA gave it a couple of years ago to feed astronauts who went on special missions. It is considered a food with great properties and benefits, which is why it is currently also available to anyone in the supermarket.

Spirulina is on the list of food supplements recommended by the United Nations and by the WHO. The Intergovernmental Institute for the use of Spirulina Microalgae against Malnutrition, which is a UN non-profit organization, has also been created.

It has been used by Olympic athletes from China and Cuba because it is also ideal for improving physical performance . It is already part of the diet of the training centers of these countries. Next, we will see how the use of this type of algae benefits.

Why use spirulina?

Spirulina is not a food that you will be able to find in any restaurant, in fact, it is not marketed in any of the world, since it is a dietary supplement . Which if it has many benefits for those who consume it.

Source of vitamins and minerals

Seaweed is a natural source of vitamins and minerals, which is why for decades it has been recommended to include them in the diet. There are different types of seaweed and various ways in which it can be cooked. Blue seaweed is a reliable option.

Delays the effects of age

When we refer to the effects of age, we are talking about aging . Due to its antioxidant content, it helps to reduce the effects of free radicals, to preserve the health of the eyes and to reduce the expressions of age on the face.

To prevent anemia

Espirulina para prevenir la anemia

Blue algae have a considerable amount of iron, which is ideal for preventing iron deficiency anemia, which is due to a deficiency of this mineral. It is also ideal for maintaining good iron levels and for hemoglobin to be produced at considerable levels. It also contains vitamin E, vitamin B12 (its deficiency can cause megaloblastic anemia), phosphorus and magnesium.

Ideal for weight loss

It is an excellent nutritional supplement for those who want to lose the extra pounds. It provides a high nutritional value, especially with essential fatty acids and is low in calories . So it is ideal to help the body burn fat.

Helps strengthen the immune system

Spirulina contains nutrients that help the immune system to have adequate production of antibodies and cytokines. Which are necessary to defend the body against pathogens.

Improves vision

This seaweed contains a good amount of provitamin A and Zeaxanthin , two nutrients that are necessary for the sight to function properly. Helps prevent or decrease macular degeneration and night blindness, as well as cataras.

Helps with physical recovery

If you are a person who makes great physical efforts during the day or practices a demanding sport, blue algae are recommended to recover , since it has a high content of calcium and magnesium, two minerals that help reduce and prevent cramps .

How to take spirulina

Cápsulas de espirulina

The most common form in which spirulina is taken is in capsules or tablets , which can be found in health food stores. It is recommended that children between 2 to 9 years old consume a maximum of 5 grams daily, while children from 10 years old and until they reach adults can consume 6 to 10 grams. The recommended therapeutic dose for adults is 11 to 20 grams.

Spirulina powder can be used to mix with guacamole, hummus, or in sauces.