Spain is the fifth best country to live in the world according to a study

The HDI ( Human Development Index ) is one of the main indicators to know in which country you live better, taking into account some factors such as the economy, life expectancy or education . The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) was the one who created this index in 1990 and the last published in Spain achieved a score of 0.89 points out of 1, which placed it in 26th position. Later, a study published in the journal Population and Development Review proposed an alternative in which Spain is the fifth best country to live in the world .

Spain, the country with a longer life

The Population and Development Review magazine scored each country based on the Human Life Indicator (HLI). In this case, the country in which the economic situation and longevity are not related gets a better score. This parameter is believed to be much more reliable because it equals the value of lives , unlike what the HDI does, where there is a relationship between life expectancy at birth and GDP per capita.

Using this parameter to find the best countries to live in, the index changed markedly, placing Norway in first place instead of Hong Kong, and Spain went from 26th to 5th.

Vivir en la costa de España

In addition, recently, a study by the University of Washington calculated that by 2040 Spain could become the country with the longest life expectancy in the world . From that year on, Spaniards could live an average of 85.5 years.

And what does Spain have that makes it ideal to live in?

Spain has a good climate . Unlike other European countries and the world that have very long winters, constant rains, cloudy skies or few hours of light, Spain can boast of having sun even on winter days. Many studies claim that the sun makes people happier and that happiness lengthens life.

Landscape diversity . Beaches, mountains, forests, lakes, valleys … Spain has a great variety of landscapes, it is difficult not to find one that suits your tastes and needs.

Cultural diversity and an important historical and monumental legacy . There are many cultures that have passed through Spain over the centuries and have left their traces. Romans, Celts, Iberians, Arabs … This diversity makes Spain a country of very interesting contrasts.

Gastronomy . In Spain eating is a pleasure, we have high quality raw materials and we have renowned chefs. The potato omelette, Iberian ham or paella is just the tip of the iceberg.

Paella española

Every year more tourists decide to visit Spain attracted by everything we have listed. There are also many pensioners who decide to spend their last years of life in this country, where there is no lack of sun, good food and much to see and discover. This is precisely why Spain is the fifth best country to live in the world, don’t you think?