How to eliminate mouth ulcers or sores

Many times we are so calm and suddenly boom! pain and discomfort for no apparent reason on the tongue or gums. From that moment on, eating, drinking and brushing our teeth will be a horror. We come to explain why mouth sores arise, the symptoms, what treatments usually work and some tips to avoid them.

From children to the elderly, sores are the most normal in our life and it is a reaction of our body to a specific situation. That it is normal does not make them pleasant, since mouth ulcers are very painful in some cases, taking the smile from our face and the desire to eat.

What is a sore?

The sores are not dangerous or carcinogenic, since oral cancer does not hurt. The sores are superficial wounds that appear on the tongue and the inside of the cheeks, as well as on the gums that are very annoying, especially when eating very acidic things.

Mouth ulcers are rounded or oval with a whitish or yellowish color (depending on the infection) and accompanied by a reddish halo. These are open wounds that arise without prior notice, unless we burn the tip of our tongue, there we know that we will have a sore in a few seconds.

The size of the ulcers varies between 2 mm and 10 mm , and can appear individually or in groups. In the event that several appear in a row, we must go to the doctor since it could be the beginning of some disease.

The sores are also known as canker sores and canker sores, but it is all the same and has the same causes, symptoms and treatments that we will see in the following sections.

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How many types of mouth ulcers are there?

Although it may seem silly, there are several types of canker sores, specifically 3 types of greater to lesser complexity. But as we say, a sore should not be too complicated, if it bleeds, hurts, the external area becomes very inflamed and so on, it is best to see a doctor.

  • Herpetiform ulceration: it is related to the famous herpes, but unlike these, the sores are not contagious. One problem with these types of sores is that they recur quickly and sometimes seem like they will never fully heal.
  • Minor ulcers: a small sore that causes mild and bearable pain that does not hinder our routine. They usually take about 2 weeks to completely disappear.
  • Major ulcers: as their name suggests, they are larger than the previous ones, in addition, they tend to be irregular in shape, they can even penetrate further into the tissue (up to 1 cm) causing more pain and discomfort, even leaving scars when they finally disappear after weeks.

Why do I have sores?

The causes of canker sores are very diverse, in fact, it has not yet been shown that they are really related to a lack of vitamins:

  • Have a weakened immune system.
  • Viral infection
  • Blows and trauma to the mouth.
  • Involuntary bites.
  • Hooks for orthodontics.
  • Badly placed dental prostheses.
  • Aggressive dental cleaning.
  • Stress.
  • Smoking tobacco or drinking a lot of alcohol.
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Hormonal changes (pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, puberty, etc.)
  • For taking medications.
  • Allergies
  • Sensitivity to some foods.
  • By rubbing some surfaces, for example, sucking on an envelope before closing it, biting a zipper cord, holding the keys with your mouth, etc.
  • Behcet’s disease.
  • Genetic heritage.

Symptoms and diagnosis of mouth ulcers

These types of events that are concentrated inside the mouth are not serious, at least not in 97% of cases, but it is worth knowing that, if we have many inside the mouth, our face is swelling, our skin It turns red, our cheeks hurt, it prevents us from eating and drinking, then it is time for us to see a doctor.

Mouth ulcers are very annoying, especially if they are on the tip and sides of the tongue and in areas of the gum near the tooth. A dentist can make a quick diagnosis and prescribe some medication to treat them and not bother us so much or help them disappear faster.

The most common symptoms are inflammation , pain in the mouth, apathy, lack of appetite or, rather, wanting to eat because of not feeling pain, general malaise, irritability and can even cause fever, in the most extreme case.

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Main treatments

From now on we have to say that there is no specific treatment that will end the sores in the blink of an eye, hopefully. What we do have at our disposal are creams, rinses, special toothpastes, topicals, etc.

Specifically, we, from our own experience after going to a professional, recommended us to rinse several times a week with Chlorhexidine from the Lacer or Period-ai brand. Mano de santo for punctual sores, bleeding gums, or when our gums hurt for an unknown reason.

It is an antiseptic that should be used after brushing and that “forces” us to go two hours without eating or drinking to take effect. After this discovery, mouth ulcers and other conditions are not bothersome for us.

Another thing we recommend is that when we have canker sores, always stay hydrated, since dry mouth helps bacteria proliferate faster causing more damage and creating bad breath.

How to prevent its appearance

We repeat again that there is no miraculous method, we only manage to reduce the chances, but wounds of this type could continue to appear inside our mouth. The fewer recommendations we follow, the more likely it is to suffer sores in our day to day life.

  • Have good oral hygiene (including rinsing with Chlorhexidine at least 2 times a week and cleaning the tongue).
  • Comply with a varied and balanced diet rich in vegetables, fruits, legumes, seeds and others.
  • Eat foods rich in Omega 3 and vitamin 6.
  • Avoid hot foods.
  • Wear orthodontic protection.
  • Change medication.