Traveling with cats: tips and options to do it safely

Cats are non-traveling pets. They do not like changes in air and habitats. However, when we are travelers and we do not want to leave our pet behind, we have to prepare and prepare ourselves. To make the trip more comfortable for both of you, we share some tips for traveling with cats in each of the means of transport. With them we hope that you and the pussycat will travel stress-free.

Traveling with cats by train

The first thing to keep in mind when traveling with your cat on public transport is that it is only possible if it is done with approved carriers for cats or, at most, in the bags and backpacks that are sold to travel with pets.

Whether it is a short trip or a long one , the secret so that the cat does not feel stressed by the trip lies in how much confidence the carrier (or backpack, or bag) gives him . How to get the cat to feel comfortable with the carrier? Very simple: avoiding that you associate it only with trips , that you assimilate it as part of your normal life.

Do you have a very sensitive cat? There are scents like mint that help them relax . Can’t you get him to gain confidence? Include him in games or even feed him in the carrier. Of course, without closing it.

Viajar con gatos: utiliza siempre transportines homologados

The train ride with a cat

After the preparation, the journey arrives. If we have achieved our goal, passing through the security zone will not be a problem. This will arrive on the train itself: smells, noises, people, temperature, duration … are factors that can make your cat feel nervous.

Never take it out of the carrier! They have the ability to sneak away in the blink of an eye. For his safety and that of other travelers, caress him, yes, but always with the cat inside the carrier.

Do you need food or water? Slightly unzip the carrier and bring the cat closer to you. With a syringe you can give him any liquid.

Once at the destination, watch out if the cat gets dizzy and wait until it is well to continue on its way. Once there, keep the carrier visible and accessible, that they take it as something else. So the return trip, or the next trip, will be more bearable.

Traveling with cats on the plane

The plane is one of the means of transport that the cat least likes . If you notice smells, pressure or noises, imagine your cat, who has more developed senses.

On the other hand, you have to consider which company will allow you to travel by plane with your cat, since not all of them let the animals get on board , and many others force you to take it in the hold, with the consequent stress for the feline.

Before flying, at the time of buying the tickets, it must be noted that you are going to travel with a pet by plane . In almost all companies, in addition, you have to pay a fee, which varies depending on the airline and the distance, mostly.

How to take a plane trip with your cat

If the cat is nervous, avoid painkillers in medication and opt for a diet with an extra supplement of amino acid tryptophan . At security controls, be insistent on the safety of the animal: you have to remove it from the carrier, yes, but if they do not allow you a space for the cat to be without generating stress, it is important to warn of the consequences of escaping and walk through the terminal.

During the flight, the feline must be kept in the carrier . You may complain or be nervous. Talk to him if they allow you to have him in the cabin, but always with the cat in the transport bag. Are you thirsty? Use a syringe to give him some water , or some cat paste.

And make sure that the cat has a blanket to protect it from currents and low temperatures. Once at the destination, give him a little time and space to calm down and recover. If you have to go through customs, bring your pet’s documentation to hand.

Cómo viajar con gatos en un coche

Traveling with cats in the car

Finally, let’s see how to take a car trip with your cat. The carrier , again, is key to the safety of the jack and the rest of the occupants of the vehicle. Important: that it is approved.

In cars, the carriers for cats (and other pets) must be fixed on the seat, taking advantage of the seat belt. With this you avoid hitting it, and making the cat more dizzy. You can put a towel inside ; With it, you manage to make the space as comfortable as possible for the pet, as well as being a hygiene measure for the cat and for the occupants of the vehicle.

One of the biggest risks of carrying a jack in the car is that we open the zipper of the carrier and the doors of the vehicle at the same time. In this case, the cat will most likely take the opportunity to escape.