Pole Dance, a very sexy way to get in shape

Currently, there is a type of exercise that is far removed from the concept of taboo. What was seen as something of a cabaret is no longer so. In fact, it is now conceived as a very demanding activity and of great benefit to your body. Pole dance is a very sexy way to keep your figure in shape. A physical activity where you can merge acrobatic dance with aerobic and anaerobic gymnastics. Which requires your entire physical strength, coordination and muscular flexibility to be able to carry it out successfully.

The practice of pole dance, you must do it with a vertical bar securely attached to the ground. A very sensual practice that you can develop to the rhythm of the music more in line with this discipline. What you need more than a deep experience, is a well-developed physical skill to withstand the whole routine. If you are somewhat overweight, this is not a valid excuse for such practice. Since, since it is not a limitation. In fact, it is a perfect exercise for overweight cases due to the nature of its execution. So, don’t put up any barriers when trying.

To be more specific, no one should have to feel any limitations when it comes to pole dancing. Since, it is ideal for all types of women. However, it is not an exclusive discipline of the ladies. Men are also encouraged to get in shape with this activity. Therefore, you can practice it in the company of a friend or your own partner. The benefits for the body are many, they give you a physical improvement that can continue to develop if you continue to practice. It is just a matter of expanding your thinking outside the box and daring to a new practice.

What is a normal pole dance workout?

As it is a sports training like any other, it is necessary that you warm up beforehand to avoid injuries. In this sense , before starting a pole dance routine you must prepare your body and each muscle in it. To do this, you must perform a series of stretches and previous exercises in order to warm up. If your body is well prepared, everything will be fine once you start physical activity as such. You should never get on the bar without having warmed up before, you can expose your muscles to tears or quite serious injuries.

After the proper warm-up, it is already the time of greatest physical demand in a pole dance workout. Getting on the bar to execute the exercise routine you need to improve your figure is the end. Depending on your level in this practice, the choreographic routines vary in terms of the level of difficulty they have. Generally the routine is basic, but each practitioner adds the turns or acrobatics that their physical abilities allow them to develop. The great thing about this is that the more you train you become more capable of doing new stunts on the bar.

It all basically depends on how constant you are in this sport. Then, you should do the final stretches. Which are as important as the warm-up prior to exercise . The reason is that you must relax your muscles after all that physical demand to avoid wasting. It is important that you relax your body once your routine is over. The final stretches help you with the muscle recovery of your body. For this important reason, you should not skip any of the steps either before or after practicing pole dance.

As for the benefits of pole dance: The list is quite long …

Practicing pole dance is something that will have more than one positive aspect on your overall health. Being such a complete workout, it covers many things that you generally look for when exercising . The basic idea may be to get in shape, but you can be sure that you will achieve more than that. It will be inevitable that you will practice that exercise again once you start, because of how quickly your body improves. If you still have doubts about this training, you should know some benefits that you will get with constant practice on the bar.

Your body will look as sexy as you want if you are consistent in this practice.

Because pole dance manages to burn between 300 and 500 calories per session depending on the intensity used. The extra fat will no longer have to be a worry that haunts you in your day to day. The benefit on your figure is possibly something remarkable that you are going to experience because of the speed with which it occurs. If you make this sport something everyday, you will mold all the muscles of your body, at a very powerful and visible level. You’ll get strong and toned legs, abs, arms, glutes and obliques that will look more than sexy on your newly built figure.

Descubre el Pole Dance una nueva forma de ejercitarse

Your physical qualities will improve noticeably and quickly.

As we have already mentioned, certain skills are needed so that the practice of pole dance can be generated. However, it is not something that you cannot improve as you progress through training on the bar. In fact, the more you practice these demanding routines, the more your flexibility, rhythm, and coordination will continually increase. Something very important is that when performing the previous exercises and the regular practices of this discipline. You are correcting your general posture. So your bone system, especially your back, will be very favored.

Your overall system becomes stronger and therefore healthier.

Being such a comprehensive practice that includes so many muscles in your body. You will notice a general improvement in your body. Blood flow is very positively affected by the practice of pole dance. Therefore, everything that has to do with your cardiovascular system will be constantly being strengthened. Avoiding any disease that may affect your heart in the future. On the other hand, due to the integration that you must make with your breathing. Improves everything related to the pulmonary system in your body, making your health in good condition.

You can eliminate everything that may be harmful to the body.

Pole dance also favors the endocrine system because it improves the elimination of toxins in the body. The physical demand makes sweating a fact that you cannot control. Without a doubt, it will make you feel that you are on the right track during your training. Another positive aspect of this practice is that it prevents fluid retention in the body. Something that is usually so harmful to the regular functioning of your body and that you should worry if you are suffering from it.

You will be much more happy and proactive when practicing your routine …

Since you are in constant motion, this physical activity stimulates the production of endorphins in the body. By practicing pole dance, you will be reducing your levels of stress and fatigue. With this sexy workout, you increase your self-esteem by the nature of the act. In this way, depression will be a thing of the past. This exercise gives you a new vision of how you perceive your own body and makes you feel renewed when practicing it.

Your partner will be very happy that you practice pole dance …

Someone who will be more than happy with your vertical bar workouts, possibly your partner. Since, your pole dance practice will give you greater imagination and creativity. Which, you can apply to the relationship. I mean, I don’t think she’ll mind a bar in the bedroom to give her a sexy bedtime routine. This sport stimulates your sensuality, so you will be more sure of yourself at all times and in your relationship.