Epilepsy and sport, is it compatible?

Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disorder. It is characterized by recurrent seizure episodes. These seizures are not known exactly when they appear, nor can their duration or severity be predicted. It is made up of involuntary movements, which can affect the whole body or part of it. It results in multiple symptoms. Such as loss of consciousness, memory, foaming at the mouth, muscle contractions, lack of control of the sphincters, etc. These effects do not have to occur all at once, with only some of them appearing or different ones.

An isolated seizure is not defined as epilepsy. For this, at least two unprovoked must have occurred. It happens because excessive electrical discharges are produced in specific parts of the brain. Of which, it is not known to predict which will be the affected part or its duration. Depending on it, the sequelae can be temporary or irreversible.

epilepsia, salud
AEPARCIAL. Left hemisphere injuries. BEPARTIAL Comatose state.

According to data from the World Health Organization, more than 50 million people suffer from epilepsy. It is therefore important to describe which are the most beneficial habits for this type of patient. It is advisable to lead an orderly life, sleep well, do not drink caffeine or do not drink alcohol. Among all the habits, it has been questioned whether a patient with epilepsy can practice sports. And the answer is yes, but with nuances. Although it is not known when a crisis will occur, it is necessary to try to prevent risks. People with epilepsy must be very aware and know their disease very well. To be able to choose the most suitable exercises without endangering your health.

Specialists say that a person with epilepsy can practice any sport

They are risky sports for an epileptic patient, swimming. Not because you can’t practice it, but because if you get an episode, you could drown. Therefore, you have to be especially careful with practicing water sports successively over time. Well, the more time invested in the practice of sport, the greater the probability of suffering an episode in the water. It is recommended that they be accompanied by a family member or monitors. In addition, your companions must know the procedure to care for the person suffering from an episode.

Another risky sport is boxing. Any sport that requires physical blows is considered risky. Since a blow to the head or any susceptible area could lead to an epileptic episode or cause damage.

Another risky sport would be, for example, climbing. And we emphasize the above, in that we must avoid situations in which in the face of a possible episode, the person does not put his life at risk.

People with epilepsy should be aware of which sports are the most suitable

Among the recommended sports, they are equivalent to those of a collective nature. Mainly, so that the person does not feel isolated due to their illness. It is beneficial both for developing social aspects and for your physical health, team sports. Such as basketball or soccer. And Among the lower risk, riding a bike, skating, jogging, etc.

This is not to say that you cannot do sports individually. Nor that he cannot practice some of the sports classified as risky. There is no official recommendation that establishes the incompatibility between disease and individual sport.

There is the overprotection of many parents that their children suffer from epilepsy and, out of fear, do not allow them to practice sports. This practice is delicate. Well, if you avoid the risk of suffering an episode in moments of sport, you also avoid being able to lead a normal life. And perhaps the negative effects do not derive so much from the disease. But the lack of naturalness when living with her. That is why there is no greater treatment than leading a normal life. By practicing the sport that we like, as long as it is practiced with awareness.