4 dangers of not washing your hair after exercising

One way to make the most of your time in the day is to skip shampooing and tying your hair up after your workout, but instead take a quick shower or a few drops of dry shampoo and a little deodorant. After all, cutting 15 minutes can make all the difference if you have to rush to work right after, pick up the kids, or cook dinner at a reasonable time.

But it turns out that lingering perspiration isn't great for skin and hair. Find out what happens if you don't wash your sweaty hair at the end of your workout.

mujer con pelo largo y cuidado

You can have dandruff

When sweat dries on the scalp, it creates a film on the skin. If left to sit for too long, it can lead to seborrheic dermatitis , a fungal infection more commonly known as dandruff. It is a natural condition that we all have to some degree, but the accumulation of sweat and oil creates a perfect breeding ground and the fungus colonizes excessively.

Seborrheic dermatitis can also appear as scaling and redness on other parts of your body if you don't shower after a workout. It affects areas where sebum or skin oils are produced, including the eyebrows, around the nose, mid- chest, and in severe cases, the forehead and chin.

For some people, high summer temperatures exacerbate seborrheic dermatitis because the heat can cause additional sweating on the scalp, especially if you exercise under a sunny sky rather than in an air-conditioned gym. For others, it flares up in winter. This could be because less humid weather in winter dries out the skin and increases irritation.

If you tend to sweat a lot during your workouts, it's best to take the time to shower and wash your hair to prevent dandruff. If you don't sweat a lot, you can shampoo two to four times a week , depending on how greasy your hair is.

Before shampooing, apply conditioner to the ends of her hair so they don't dry out . This is especially important for colored hair, which is more brittle, as well as curly or wavy hair. (Tight curls mean that the natural oils from the scalp will not travel up the hair shaft as easily, so your scalp can feel greasy even if the rest of your mane is like the Sahara).

mujer con falta de pelo

You could lose some hair

The itching and flaking associated with seborrheic dermatitis are bothersome, but if you don't nip them in the bud, you could have bigger problems to deal with, including thinning hair. When there are visible scales on the scalp, that means that the fungus has invaded the superficial layers of the skin and this causes hair loss. Also, the build-up clogs the hair follicles , slowing or preventing new growth.

In addition to hair loss, seborrheic dermatitis can result in thinner locks and less shine , according to a December 2018 study in the International Journal of Trichology.

Although washing your hair more often and using a medicated shampoo can help keep hair loss at bay, shampooing too often can also lead to thinning hair. It dries the hair shafts and causes breakage. There is no perfect amount of washing . Rather, the trick is to find your own sweet spot. For those with frizzy hair, shampooing weekly or weekly may be sufficient. For those with very fine hair and an oily scalp, daily shampooing may work best.

No matter what your hair type is, use a mild shampoo and conditioner that won't dry out your hair or strip it of healthy oils. Shampoos with harsh ingredients, such as sodium lauryl sulfate , can cause hair breakage.

People who exercise frequently should use a mild sulfate-containing shampoo with ingredients, such as C14-16 olefin sulfonate , followed by a deep conditioner once a week. It is also recommended to choose a deep conditioner that contains silicone to cover and protect the hair shafts.

Tying your hair too tight in a ponytail or bun for your workouts can contribute to hair loss. Hairstyles that put significant stress on the hair follicle can lead to traction hair alopecia in those who are susceptible to this condition. Instead of a rubber band, go for a coated ponytail holder or wear a loose braid along with a headband, and let your hair down as soon as you're done working out.

mujeres con el pelo recogido para entrenar

You could be more prone to infections

Another reason to wash your hair after a very sweaty workout is that seborrheic dermatitis can be itchy, and some people end up scratching so much that their scalp bleeds.

Many people scratch at night and don't even realize they are doing it. These abrasions increase the risk of bacterial and fungal infection.

To prevent infection, you must address the root of the problem by alleviating those scales. Treatment varies depending on the severity of the disease. Some patients improve with dandruff shampoos alone. Try one that has an anti-inflammatory or anti-yeast active ingredient, such as zinc, ketoconazole, tar, selenium sulfide, or ciclopirox .

There are also scalp treatments that contain zinc that can be applied to the scalp between shampoos. Or, on non-shampoo days, you can "wash" your hair with an anti-dandruff conditioner; just apply it to your scalp in the shower and then rinse it off.

Lastly, it is important to resist the urge to scratch. Scraping the scales off the scalp can make the condition worse. If you've tried all of these and are still feeling itchy and uncomfortable, make an appointment with a dermatologist.

Acne may appear

People who don't routinely shampoo after a sweaty workout can spot pimple-like bumps on the scalp, technically called folliculitis. Folliculitis is an inflammation of the hair follicles. If left untreated, it can lead to localized scars and hair loss.

Since folliculitis is a component of seborrheic dermatitis, the treatment is the same: wash your hair according to your hair type, using a mild medicated shampoo. If the pustules are resistant to this treatment, topical antibiotic solutions can be used .

It's also helpful to take note of whether any of the hair products appear to be aggravating your folliculitis. If they do, stay away from them. For example, some people find hair oils and butters problematic. Occlusive ointments can also cause folliculitis if used too often. In addition, many people have allergic reactions to certain components of hair products, including fragrances, which can cause scalp irritation that manifests as pustules.

Your menstrual cycle can also play a role in the development of seborrheic dermatitis. It can be worse before your period when your hormones trigger an increase in oil production. Also, stress can worsen dandruff and lead to excess fat accumulation. Stress leads to the release of the hormones cortisol and testosterone, which increase sebum production and result in more oil on the scalp.

mujer con picor en la cabeza y en el pelo

When is it convenient to use dry shampoo?

On busy days, you might be wondering if you can just spray on some dry shampoo after getting your cardio fix and then go on your way.

Dermatologists say that as long as your scalp is flake-free, you can use it to allow yourself a shampoo-free day. But don't put it on for days in a row or you will create buildup. Additionally, frequent use can cause scalp irritation , dry hair shafts, and exacerbate inflammatory scalp conditions such as seborrheic dermatitis.

And remember that even though it's called a dry "shampoo," it doesn't actually clean the scalp or hair . Dry shampoo generally contains a starch product that absorbs oils. This can allow the hair and scalp to appear less greasy and smell fresh, but it does not clean the scalp or hair.