3 essential skills if you want to have healthy relationships

When they say that love is the engine of any relationship, they are not so wrong. In fact, scientists have investigated this phenomenon and conclude that there are intrinsic links between good relationships and improvements in your life, both personal and work.

Unfortunately, many people grapple with this statement, as finding a stable partner or relationship is not as easy as it sounds. Hundreds of individuals spend countless hours making the wrong decisions about interpersonal relationships, and this has prompted relationship experts to do their research.

In this sense, a renowned psychologist named Joanne Davila, in her TedTalk talk, names 3 essential skills to develop healthy relationships in the near future. Find out what they are.

Habilidades para mejorar tus relaciones personales

3 skills that will improve your personal relationships

1. Self understanding

The first step is to recognize your behaviors and understand where they come from, in this way you can find solutions or possible ways to change your way of being. In addition, having an understanding of your emotions and of others will give you more ability to analyze their actions and how to act on them.

In this way, if you change your mentality, you will find that in the next discussion with your partner you will have much more understanding for their emotions and the origin of these recriminating arguments. In addition, you can prevent behaviors that you have naturalized over time and that could break your relationship without much effort. On the other hand, when your partner shows you a gesture of daily love you will be able to appreciate it much more, making the coexistence much more pleasant.

Entenderte a ti mismo es esencial para tener relaciones saludables

2. Reciprocity

There are times when we forget that in a relationship there must be a reciprocal relationship ; that is, each person is as important as the other.

Often times, a closed, self-centered mindset draws attention to only one part of the equation, leaving out the other person. Unfortunately, this action will only damage your bond with your loved one.

Reciprocity means giving as much importance to one as to the other, prioritizing from time to time situations require it, but implying that both individuals must make sacrifices for the relationship to work in the long term.

The best strategy for resolving issues of this nature are in-depth conversations about your particular perspectives, arguments, advantages, and disadvantages of particular decisions.

La reciprocidad es esencial para una relación sana de pareja

3. Regulation of emotions

The last but not least step in achieving a healthy relationship is controlling your emotions to give your partner stability. By this we mean analyzing situations and responding to them appropriately with your emotions, without exaggerating to create unnecessary conflicts or clinging to past fights that no longer have relevance.

It can also be small things, such as not getting upset if he doesn’t reply to your text message right away. In the end, you have to think about whether it is really worth expending energy on those issues when you could be doing something productive instead.

Los beneficios de la regulación de emociones en parejas


When you can master these 3 essential skills you can open the way to much more fruitful and pleasant relationships for both parties. However, if what you want is to improve with your partner to another level, there is always the option of visiting a couples therapist or someone who can listen to you both without judgment.


  • Jessica, S. The 3 Skills You Must Master for Healthy Relationships, According to Psychology. For Inc. [Revised December 2019].