Why is dieting so difficult?

Today, people are increasingly sedentary. The dominance of the digital age means that people spend a lot of time sitting in front of the computer . This, in turn, has negative health consequences. Obesity is one of them. The main causes that trigger this disease are an inadequate diet and the absence of physical activity.

Sitting most of the day contributes to the overall accumulation of fat cells. A very high percentage of individuals are above 27% or even 37% body fat. Following a diet is not always easy and pleasant . When you have bad eating habits, changing them means suffering.

Diet: a dietary challenge

About 1 in 10 people is obese. At least half of them are overweight. Hence, we constantly hear from dieters looking to lose weight. The real problem is that very few are able to carry out a successful diet. In fact, many believe that dieting does not work.

Self-imposed dietary restrictions are a burden that not everyone knows how to carry. Most people quit the diet before finishing. Which brings with it a rebound effect. This effect causes the gain of lost weight or even more. Self-control and failure are the main causes.

Controlling what you eat is not an easy task. The frustration of not being able to eat what is forbidden ends up being a temptation. In addition, our body when it is subjected to a low food intake produces a series of biological changes. Which prepare the body not to die of starvation. The answer to this is to slow down the metabolism. The direct consequence is a stagnation in weight loss. Remember that metabolic changes allow the body to survive with fewer calories and they do so by storing reserves in the form of fat. In this way, dieting can be a real nutritional challenge for anyone.

Do not eat in moderation

The problem is not really eating. Nor, eat foods with high caloric levels. It all comes down to the amounts of food eaten. Dieting wouldn’t be necessary if we all ate in moderation. That is, you can eat any type of food, as long as it is done in the correct proportions.

Obesity occurs when we consume more food than our body really needs. All the excess is stored as reserve and converted to fat . It is a biological survival mechanism. The human being is designed to survive and this is an answer to it. Saving reserves for periods of famine is a natural process.

Knowing this, we must take action on the matter. The first thing is to measure the amounts of food we consume. You don’t need to overeat to be healthy. In fact, obesity causes many diseases and even death. The main thing is to focus on health.

Identifying the type of food we eat is another determining factor. That is, if you want to eat everything, then eat little. If you need to eat large amounts of food to feel full, you should ideally identify the foods. In the latter case, eating large amounts of low-calorie foods is an alternative. Vegetables, leaves, and fruits are the best options. Avoid high carbohydrate intake and processed foods. Consuming protein in meats and grains is recommended.

Have a wrong goal

Psychological factors come into play in weight loss processes. Hence, it is necessary to have a clear objective and a goal to achieve . May your end be health and not lose weight. If this is the case, the motivation will not go away. If it is the other way around, the moment you don’t see a decrease in your weight you will feel frustration. Which, in turn, causes the abandonment of the diet or diet. On the other hand, if you are looking for health, you will have a better chance of achieving success.

Remember that good nutrition does work. However, the most immediate results are reflected in health, not weight . Weight is affected in the long term. Health improves within a few days. If it took you a year to gain 15 kilos, then don’t expect to lose them in a month. The time it took you to gain weight will be approximately the time it takes to lose it.

Conoce las dietas que no funcionan

The environment does not help …

There are those whose willpower is relentless. However, most people are not like that. Much less, when it comes to food. When dieting, the environment plays a key role in achieving success. Moral support from friends and family is very important for people who are looking to lose weight. Beyond the moral, common habits also come into play. Eating dessert in front of someone who is on a diet is counterproductive. Not only is it incited and provoked to the consumption of the prohibited food. In addition, the feeling of loneliness is transmitted in the process of losing weight.

The phase of initiation or adaptation to the diet is the hardest. It is a difficult stage for anyone. Anxiety attacks definitely make many people give in to weakness . At that time, following the diet does not seem really effective and is sadly abandoned. The immediate consequence is the rebound effect.

Sadly, modern nutrition is not the equivalent of healthy and thin. The best way to cope is to opt for the 90/10 rule. That is, 90% healthy food and 10% cheat food. With this combination, anxiety and withdrawal symptoms will be kept out of the way. Which, originates from drastically eliminating certain foods from the daily diet . In this way, a long-term diet can be maintained without risking losing or abandoning it, before reaching the goal.