Mediterranean style chicken burgers

Chicken breast is one of the most widely used foods in sports. Its high protein content together with a low amount of fat , makes this food a very good option in low calorie or calorie restriction diets. However, most gym users often get bored of this food after a certain time consuming it.

In this case, we are going to explain a recipe for making chicken burgers with a Mediterranean touch so that you have more options and varieties of flavors when consuming this food. For this, we will only use natural ingredients and some spices that will give a fantastic touch to the burgers. This recipe will be perfect to eat both with hamburger bread or on a plate with rice or any type of pasta. In this way we will ensure a meal that covers all the necessary macronutrients.

Also, this recipe maintains virtually the same proportions of macronutrients as chicken breast alone (protein only). Therefore, there will be no problem to introduce it into your nutritional plan.

Calories and distribution of macronutrients

These chicken burgers, having the only ingredients as chicken breast and ham , will contain only protein. In addition, it can have some grams of fat derived from ham. This recipe will give us 53g of protein (18g for each hamburger) .


  • 200g chicken breast
  • 30g serrano ham
  • Garlic powder
  • Black pepper
  • Thyme


Chop the chicken breast

Firstly, we will have to chop the chicken breast using a mincer or mixer.

Cut the Serrano ham

We cut the Serrano ham into pieces as small and square as possible.

We add the ham and spices

Subsequently, we combine the minced chicken breast, the Serrano ham, a pinch of salt and the spices in a bowl. Although the spices will depend on the taste of each person, I recommend using the following:
– A pinch of thyme.
– A little black pepper.
– A little garlic powder.

We remove and make balls

Once we have the mixture, we stir it well so that the spices are well mixed. Subsequently, we make 3 balls (for 3 hamburgers) with the mixture and crush them to make the hamburgers.

A small trick is to smear our hands with a drop of olive oil so that the mixture does not stick. In addition, I recommend adding a drop of olive oil to hamburgers to improve their flavor.

Once this is done, we put them in the pan. We make them on both sides and let's eat!