How to relieve neck pain with the use of Foam Roller?

Foam Rollers are an effective rehabilitation and training tool, available in a variety of sizes, materials, and densities. Daily foam roller neck exercises facilitate postural neck alignment and pain relief by focusing on tight knots or bands within the neck muscles.

Some neck exercises with this material that you can try include stretching exercises, strengthening and stability of the cervix, as well as self-massage and myofascial release.

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Causes of neck pain

There can be a variety of causes for neck pain, including daily habits like looking at a smartphone or computer screen, or feeling unwell while sitting. Looking down and rounding the shoulders forces the neck to flex forward.

Over time, this repetitive motion can cause chronic neck pain. In such cases, the foam roller allows the myofascial release of the fascia, the thin layer of connective tissue that surrounds muscles and other body structures.

Keep in mind that the foam roller should be a bit uncomfortable but not too painful. If you feel significant pain while rolling the foam, or if your neck pain has lasted for more than a week or two without improving, see a physical therapist for a full evaluation. There may be other more serious causes of neck pain that would require proper medical diagnosis and care, such as arthritis, bone spurs in the neck, ruptured spinal discs, fractures, scoliosis, and whiplash injuries.

Neck exercises with Foam Roller

If your neck pain is in the back, lie on your back and place the foam roller on its side under your neck. Keep your head upright and slowly lift your hips off the ground until all of your weight is on your neck muscles. You may want to slowly turn your head from side to side so that the roller hits the muscle tissue, not the bone.

Very little actual movement is involved with the neck; Rather, the roller is placed under a sensitive or knotted location and the pressure in that location gradually increases, staying there until released, but not longer than a minute. To move higher, lift the neck of the roller and reposition it just above the previous point.

For the side of your neck , lie on your side and place the roller on its side under your neck. Again, slowly lift your hips until most of your weight is on the side of your neck. Stop if the area hurts too much and only put the weight on the neck that is comfortable for you. Make sure to do it on both sides to keep your balance.

Rotate your shoulders and upper back

Stiffness or rounding of the shoulders and upper back can radiate into the neck. Place the foam roller on the ground and sit on one end. Lie down so that the roller is under your spine lengthwise, in a parallel direction. Slowly roll from side to side on the roller while keeping an imaginary glass of water on your stomach without spilling it.

Gradually increase your range of motion as you feel more comfortable and balanced. Focus on the muscles between the shoulder blades and up to the base of the neck until you find the knots and then spread them out. Turning the head in the opposite direction to the movement of the pelvis will allow an additional stretch of the neck muscles.