Can you eat banana during pregnancy?

During pregnancy we have to be very careful with everything we eat, drink, breathe, even with the movements we make. If it is a standard and risk-free pregnancy, we can lead a practically normal life carrying out basic precautions, but if it is a risky pregnancy, much more care must be taken. Food is a constant question during pregnancy and today we want to reveal if we can eat bananas while pregnant or not.

There are certain foods that pregnant women are prohibited from, as well as other unhealthy habits such as smoking or drinking alcohol. But there are everyday foods that create doubts for us due to the amount of information that there is about them and it is not clear to us if we can or cannot consume them if we are pregnant. What we must be clear about is that if we have any doubts, we must consult a specialist who knows our case.

The banana is a fruit that is very easy to eat and that combines well, in addition, it helps us to make countless recipes, since it serves as a substitute for other ingredients. The banana is among the fruits that cause the most allergies along with the peach, but the latter belongs to the family of pinkish fruits.

Banana can be eaten

Of course, pregnant women can eat bananas, moreover, it is one of the best options available to us. A fruit that is easy to consume, easy to digest, healthy, rich in nutrients and that combines very well in many recipes. In fact, the banana is recommended throughout the 9 months of pregnancy, especially in the first months, since its vitamin B6 content helps relieve nausea and vomiting in the first months of pregnancy.

Un desayuno con tostadas plátano

The good thing about bananas is that they are a very nutritionally complete fruit and are available at any time of the year. Of course, ripe bananas are recommended, that is, those that are yellow or with black specks, since the green ones are very indigestible and can cause stomach and gastrointestinal problems.

The banana is rich in vitamin A , group B such as folic acid, which is essential for the normal development of the embryo, vitamin C and E, as well as fiber, calcium, iron and potassium. With this food we improve blood circulation, regulate transit, fight depression, reduce heartburn, avoid anemia, lower cholesterol levels, etc.

Can it be eaten raw?

We can eat this fruit raw, steamed, fried, mashed as a puree, in juice mixed with other fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, peaches or even with turmeric, cinnamon, chocolate, etc. A tasty, healthy and very necessary food, whether or not we are pregnant, although some of its contraindications must be taken into account.

For example, do not consume it green, nor eat many bananas if we are overweight, since it is rich in carbohydrates. Nor do we eat bananas during pregnancy if we have an allergy, however weak the symptoms may be. If we have kidney problems, taking a food so rich in potassium can further damage our kidneys.

Therefore, taking bananas during pregnancy is good , but with certain limitations depending on our health, physical condition or the advice of our doctor.