Rhabdomyolysis, too strenuous exercise leading to illness

Rhabdomyolysis is a disease that has been linked to people who have suffered certain accidents such as traffic accidents or earthquakes , but in the last decade it has become very common in sport , especially in crossfit, which involves lifting large amounts weight for which it is important to feel prepared to avoid serious consequences.

In sport, setting goals and meeting them is always good, but at any time we must keep in mind what our limits are and try not to exceed ourselves too much. If we exceed the limits, the consequences can be catastrophic for health, not only because serious injuries appear that can end sports practice for a long time, but also because diseases appear that can leave you useless for sports throughout life.

Rhabdomyolysis refers to the rapid reduction of the skeletal muscle caused by a serious tear that has occurred in sports.

When the injury occurs, what happens is that the products that result from the breakdown of muscle cells dissolve in the blood, which will be filtered through the kidneys, so that many of these products, especially the myoglobin, they are very toxic.

For this reason, a set of conditions occur; such as dizziness, pain and vomiting, and little by little they will end in kidney failure , which if not remedied, will end in successive failure of other organs and later in death.

The relationship of rhabdomyolysis with sport

As I mentioned before, recently rhabdomyolysis was common in survivors of collapses, traffic accidents, earthquakes and any other event that caused injuries due to a large amount of weight. Instead, currently this problem has appeared among athletes, causing very serious consequences , especially in crossfit.

When practicing crossfit, the body is pushed to the limit, since you want to be faster, carry more weight and improve resistance, but you must be aware that this process takes time and that it cannot be achieved lightly.


The first thing you should do is contact a coach to set goals for you little by little and have a responsible look that controls the load you lift and if at any time you reach overtraining. On the other hand, the same that can happen in crossfit appears in other sports , the main risk factors being: Climate with high and humid temperatures that reduce the amount of glomerular renal filtration and cause dehydration.

It is clear that correct planning and scheduling is always necessary, as many are unaware of the lack of responsibility in basing their workouts on “the more the better.” A greater risk is those with a low fitness level achieved with a basic training, or people who return to practicing Crossfit after stopping the activity for a while.

It is extremely important to count on personalized advice from the trainer prepared to learn with the base of exercises and low intensity workouts and gradually raise the level.