Reduce period cramps with these foods

Menstruation should not be painful, this is confirmed by numerous specialists, but the reality of many women is that this week of menstruation is a real ordeal and constant pain that prevents us from even being able to sleep, eat, work and even enjoy day to day . That is why we want to collaborate and help to mitigate those pains a little and improve the quality of life. We are going to explain what foods we should take to reduce menstrual cramps.

The rule is something common in women, as a general rule it is more or less regular, and in case of having it very irregular, we should consult a specialist, since this disorder can lead to long-term health problems.

In the case of having periods that are more or less painful, we are going to indicate the type of food that we should take to alleviate that pain. In the same way, we will also say what foods we should not consume, if we do not want to make the situation worse.

Do you have to eat in a special way?

When we are on our period, many times we have cravings that we hardly understand ourselves. Surely sometimes we have thought of cans of mussels, bollicaos, colored marshmallows, apples with caramel, lentils, macaroni with chorizo, etc. They are dishes that we usually do not eat, but our brain knows that they are going to satisfy a specific need.

But very far from all this, there is a balanced diet, which is the one that we must maintain during all the days of our lives, both women and men. We know, firsthand, how difficult it is to deprive yourself of trinkets, chocolates and sweets on these very specific days of the month. But you have to make an effort, so as not to worsen the situation.

Explained according to the phases of the cycle:

  • At ovulation, it is recommended to consume many foods with iron, foods that regulate progesterone, reduce carbohydrates and avoid fat at all.
  • In the premenstrual phase, cravings for sweets are due to low insulin resistance, so you have to control your intake. Moderate and aerobic exercise is recommended. Increase fats and reduce carbohydrates as much as possible. Increase foods rich in fiber and tryptophan.
  • From day 1 to 5 of the cycle, sensitivity to pain will be high and we will be more tired, so it is recommended to rest and eat foods rich in potassium and omega 3.
  • In the last days of the period we will have much more energy, so we can increase physical effort, eat carbohydrates and limit fat intake.

Qué no comer cuando tenemos la regla

Foods not recommended

There are many times that we have been told what we should not eat, in fact, we ourselves have explained it more than once, but today we are going to compile it in a single text as a guide.


We have been saying all the bad things that ultra-processed foods contribute and produce for years, even so, they continue to be consumed, although it seems that each time to a lesser extent. Not only are they foods loaded with sugars and fats, but eating them can increase the gastrointestinal discomfort that already happens during the cycle.

These foods promote fluid retention, because they are usually foods with a high sodium content, and it is known that this mineral is not entirely good. The body must cleanse itself and by retaining fluid, our health worsens.


Fried foods and fats in abundance are not good allies during any phase of the cycle, so they should be avoided as much as possible. In addition, this type of food worsens the health of our body, both internally and externally, being reflected in our skin, abdominal swelling, pain, discomfort, low vitality, etc.

In addition, they are usually foods that do not fill you up too much and that cause anxiety with food , so they do not help at all on those days when what we need is calm, foods that provide nutritional value and help us to be healthier.


Alcohol is not a good thing for menstruation. It may seem silly, but the state of health worsens a lot on those days of the cycle. For example, when our insulin resistance is low, drinking alcohol decompensates the body by raising blood sugar levels .

Also, let’s not forget that alcohol intoxicates the body and then come the consequences known as a hangover. When you are on your period, these consequences intensify, and when you feel so much hydration, the headaches and abdominal pain will be worse than usual.

Coffee and tea

We have bad news for coffee lovers, especially those who drink more than 2 cups a day. Caffeine is an enemy these days of menstruation. The same happens with theine, which is the property of teas, which helps us to be active and awake, among other things.

Caffeine and theine increase the effects of the well-known PMS , that is, premenstrual syndrome. Both are diuretics, which increases colic, increases visits to the bathroom and we dehydrate faster, so the pain will increase and become a vicious circle that is difficult to get out of if we don’t change our habits.

Sugary and fizzy drinks

These types of drinks, such as soft drinks, sports drinks, flavored shakes, and the like, have a high sugar content. In addition, the gas will increase the abdominal swelling that affects us so much in menstrual cycles.

These types of drinks do not contribute anything, neither at a nutritional level, nor at any other level, therefore they are 100% expendable every day of the year and not only during our menstruation.

spicy foods

The spicy we already said a while ago in another post that it is not healthy at all, neither for the body in general, nor for the digestive system in particular. Much less during our periods, whether regular or not, that does not matter. We can eat spicy food sporadically, but it should not be a habit.

Spicy affects our cycle causing more pain, increasing symptoms such as changes in temperature, mood, sleep, mood, irritates our stomach , causes gas, increases dehydration, etc.

Tostadas de aguacate

best foods

Just as there are bad foods or that we should avoid throughout our period or throughout our lives, in general, there are also beneficial foods that will make our menstrual cycles complete better, with less discomfort and without our body suffering.


Yes, we all know how important vegetables are and that they should be the basis of our daily diet, but in full menstruation they are much more beneficial.

From vegetables we obtain essential minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc , etc. All this helps us to stay emotionally stable, in addition to not alternating cycles, not causing more pain, giving us positive energy, not bloating the stomach, etc. The best vegetables are: spinach, broccoli, beets, avocado (super important), kale, green leafy vegetables, onion, etc.


Fruits are of vital importance in our usual diet, in fact, according to experts, we have to take 5 different pieces every day. And that can only be achieved with a lot of knowledge of fruits, buying small quantities so they don’t spoil, eating a varied diet and making a little effort to get away from the classic fruits such as strawberries, grapes, bananas, apples and pineapple.

The most important vitamins during menstruation with vitamin A, group B, C, E and D , apart from others. These vegetables are found in the vast majority of vegetables and fruits that we usually eat if we have a varied diet such as kiwi, banana, pineapple, peach, grapes, strawberries, apple, pear, passion fruit, orange, lemon, tangerine, raspberries, blueberries, cherries , etc.

Ginger Turmeric and Cinnamon

Ginger is not usually liked by everyone, but there are a thousand ways to use it, in teas and infusions, in pastries, in salads, in sauces and creams, etc. It has been scientifically proven that ginger helps reduce menstrual pain, even regulates the expulsion of blood, preventing major bleeding.

Ginger, turmeric and cinnamon also help relieve nausea, stomach pain, and the pain of this stage. This is because they help reduce the excess of pro-inflammatory prostaglandins and leukotrienes that affect us so much at this stage, especially in PMS.

Of course, ginger has several contraindications such as pregnancy, hypertension, heart problems, diabetes, etc. if we suffer from any of this, consumption should be avoided. Something similar happens with turmeric, which can cause hormonal changes, infertility, coagulation problems, etc. But let’s not be alarmed that only happens with large doses.


Oily fish is of vital importance in our diet, since we manage to absorb good quality fats, proteins, fatty acids, minerals and vitamins. If we take it during menstruation, we manage to nourish our body when it needs it most. The best fish is tuna, if it’s bonito from the north , the better. We also have salmon that is exceptional for our health, trout, anchovy, sardines and mackerel, among others.


Eating eggs is very important for the human body, but you shouldn’t be obsessed either. Some time ago there was a myth that said that you could not eat many eggs a week, later it was discovered that it is not the same to eat them fried than steamed. The second option is much healthier, and we can eat up to 2 eggs a day.

During menstruation, this food provides vitamins A, B, D and E, which are essential at this stage and minerals such as calcium, selenium and iodine. In total there are almost 20 essential nutrients that help our general health.

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is loved and hated in equal measure. Once we get used to eating one or 2 ounces of black cuttlefish a day; we replace soluble cocoa with pure cocoa powder; we prefer bitter cocoa minimum 75% with or without nuts, to cocoa with milk and 30 grams of sugar, life changes us forever and for the better.

Dark chocolate gives us essential antioxidants for our cells and more in full menstruation. This food improves blood circulation, helps to avoid snacks because it is very satiating , lowers blood pressure, improves spirits and humor, helps sleep, etc.

other tips

Of course there are other tips that are very important. We know that it may seem like a lot of information and that we will not be able to comply with everything, but there is no need to stress, since it is not necessary to eat all those fruits and vegetables in one day, but to make it a habit and improve our diet.

  • You must always be very well hydrated , drinking water, infusions, natural fruit juices, etc.
  • Exercise is essential, especially in the last days of the cycle.
  • If we feel a lot of pain we can use a massager in the area, hot cloths and the like.
  • Avoid wearing very tight clothing in the abdominal area, to avoid more pressure and pain.
  • Practicing sex helps reduce pain, relax the body, improves our mood, etc.
  • We can take chemical anti-inflammatories, but first it is good to consult a specialist.
  • Take a lot of nuts , as they have essential oils, vitamins and minerals. (Maximum 40 grams per day and that they are very varied)