Raw Food diet: what it consists of and what are its main advantages

Eating raw foods is an alternative recommended by some nutritionists to take advantage of all the nutrients in food. In this sense, diets such as the Raw Food diet can help you prevent heart and digestive diseases and improve the functioning of your body. Know the main advantages of doing the Raw Food diet!

Beneficios de consumir alimentos sin cocinar

What is the Raw Food diet?

The Raw Food diet is a diet that encourages the consumption of raw food to make the most of its nutrients. In this way, the food consumed should not be processed or exposed to temperatures above 115 ° C. However, some variations allow a maximum of 25% to be included in food cooked under specific criteria.

In this sense, in this diet you can consume unprocessed foods with chemicals or at high temperatures, and sprouted beans and grains . In addition, the consumption of refined or pasteurized foods, caffeine and salt is not allowed.

Características de la Dieta Raw Food

What are the main advantages of the Raw Food diet?

The Raw Food diet is a healthy way to get the most out of the benefits of food by avoiding processing.

Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables

The Raw Food diet will help you increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables in your meals, which will allow you to take advantage of all its properties . These foods are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids and organic compounds that will help you improve your health.

Aumento del consumo de hortalizas y frutas en la dieta Raw Food

Most of the nutrients are preserved

Because food is eaten uncooked, the Raw Food diet preserves most of the nutrients that are often altered at high temperatures . In this way, by consuming raw foods you can increase the amount of beneficial nutrients in each meal. Therefore, the food will be healthier and you will be able to take full advantage of its benefits and its characteristic flavor by not having additives.

Eliminate processed foods, preservatives and harmful compounds

Only natural foods specially selected for their properties are included in the Raw Food diet. In this sense, you will eliminate the consumption of chemical or organic compounds that can cause reactions in the body and affect your health . Therefore, foods with gluten, salts, added sugars or harmful saturated fats will not be included.

May prevent cardiovascular disease

The Raw Food diet includes healthy raw foods, such as fruits and vegetables, which can help improve cardiovascular health. In this sense, due to the nutrients it provides and its low fat and sodium content, by including a variety of this diet you can improve the health of your circulatory system .

In this way, foods such as seeds, sprouted whole grains, nuts, vegetables, and greens will help you control cholesterol and blood pressure. In addition, they can help you improve the health of your heart and increase the flow of blood in the body .

Mejoras en la salud cardiovascular gracias a las propiedades de las frutas y hortalizas crudas

May reduce the risk of diabetes

The Raw Food diet can help you control your blood sugar levels by limiting your consumption of refined or processed foods . In this sense, you will only get sugar from the fruits and vegetables consumed.

In the same way, due to the fiber and simple carbohydrate content, you can control blood glucose . Likewise, your body will have greater sensitivity to insulin and you will be able to reduce sugar spikes. Therefore, raw vegetarian diets are recommended for preventing type 2 diabetes because of their fiber and nutrient content.

Can help control weight

The Raw Food diet includes foods that are low in calories, but rich in fiber. Therefore, it will help you control your food intake by promoting a feeling of fullness for a longer time . Additionally, consuming raw vegetables can help you take advantage of nutrients in food and reduce harmful additives.

In this way, the Raw Food diet is recommended to reduce fat intake and body mass index . In addition, by including fruits and vegetables, you can obtain amino acids, antioxidants and nutrients to improve the functioning of your body while consuming less food.

May improve the functioning of the digestive system

The fruits and vegetables included in the Raw Food diet are rich in fiber and simple carbohydrates that will help you improve the digestion of food. In this sense, these nutrients will facilitate the movement of food in the intestines, reducing the risk of suffering from constipation .

Similarly, thanks to their properties they can help feed various beneficial bacteria located in the intestine . Therefore, these microorganisms will provide you with nutrients that will help improve your digestion and reduce inflammation in the intestines. In this sense, the Raw Food diet is recommended to prevent or control constipation, Crohn's disease or irritable bowel syndrome.

Mejoras en la sistema digestivo gracias a las propiedades de las frutas y hortalizas crudas

It can help improve the health of your muscles

Thanks to the contribution of vegetable proteins, the Raw Food diet can promote the recovery of your muscles. Likewise, consuming these foods periodically and supplementing them with exercise routines can promote the growth of your muscles .

For this reason, it is recommended for vegan athletes to consume balanced foods rich in vegetable proteins such as spinach and kale . However, the amount of protein supplied will be less than in other foods of animal origin, although there are varieties of this diet that allow them.

What are the main disadvantages of the Raw Food diet?

Although this diet offers a host of benefits, limiting foods can lead to nutritional deficits.

May restrict some properties of food

The Raw Food diet is a low calorie diet, which can affect your performance. In addition, by not cooking food, some properties that tend to be maximized at high temperatures can be restricted , such as the lycopene in tomatoes. In this sense, this type of diet can reduce the intake of important nutrients that help improve health.

Posible restricción de las propiedades de algunos algunos alimentos al no cocinarlos

It can cause illness

The Raw Food diet is characterized by the consumption of raw food that can stimulate the development and intake of harmful microorganisms. In this way, by consuming uncooked fruits, vegetables, meats or dairy products, you can expose yourself to harmful bacteria . In addition, there are foods that without cooking can be toxic, as in the case of taro.

May promote a nutrient deficit

Because the Raw Food diet limits the consumption of some foods, it can cause a food deficit if they are not replaced efficiently. In this way, you must evaluate the amount of vitamins, minerals and nutrients that you provide to your body to ensure its proper functioning . Therefore, you should especially evaluate the consumption of vitamins B12 and D, calcium, iodine, iron, zinc and fatty acids, since their intake is usually more limited.

Posible déficit nutricional de los regímenes alimenticios vegetarianos


The Raw Food diet is a diet characterized by restricting processed foods that can alter their natural properties . In this way, this diet seeks to make the most of the existing nutrients to improve the functioning of the body.

However, despite its benefits, it can cause nutritional deficits or diseases due to microorganisms in food. For this reason, it is recommended to consult with specialists to help you select food and prepare it optimally .