The best foods to take at dinner if you want to lose weight

People who enter into a healthy lifestyle, often do a little lost and make mistakes such as starving to night. This is where the moral debate enters with your awareness about whether we should eat something before bedtime (and after having dinner) or if that will spoil your diet. The reality is that going to bed hungry, in addition to costing us to fall asleep, will make us give up good habits to lose weight.

Rest is one of the essential factors to lose weight: if we sleep less than five hours, the hormones that regulate hunger are stimulated and you will wake up wanting to make a caloric and unhealthy breakfast.

alimentos para adelgazar en la cena

From Eat This magazine , Not That! They have compiled some foods that will help you fall asleep earlier, keep you satiated until breakfast, and build lean protein while you sleep.

Cottage cheese

In this article we tell you about the benefits that cottage cheese (or cottage cheese) brings to our body. It is a good idea to take it before going to sleep, as its casein content helps us stay satiated for longer. Also, this protein will repair the muscles while you have a peaceful rest.


Many people shy away from eating bananas because of their high calorie content. It is a mistake to avoid eating banana or fruit at night, since depending on what type of fruit can be beneficial for our rest. In this case, bananas contain tryptophan, which is an amino acid that helps you sleep faster.
In addition, the banana is a fruit that has a high fiber content, so it will keep us satisfied longer. If you are one of those who needs to drink something sweet before sleeping, this is your food.


There are more and more studies that affirm that the key to losing weight is in the relationship that intestinal bacteria have with weight. Kefir is a probiotic that helps keep gut bacteria healthy and relieves stomach inflammation. Of course, it also contains tryptophan.

Greek yogurt

This type of yogurt is rich in protein and low in sugars (as long as we buy it natural). Protein is responsible for keeping us satiated and recovering your muscles while you rest. The American Journal of Physiology published a study in which it was found that ingesting proteins just before sleep, better favors the repair and development of muscles.

Toast with peanut butter

It may take you by surprise that you can have one of your favorite snacks at dinner. Peanut butter is rich in tryptophan and whole wheat bread is rich in vitamin B, so we are facing a quite healthy and appetizing option before going to sleep.
It is proven that peanut butter is one of the foods that promote fat loss, it has a good contribution in vegetable proteins and monounsaturated fats that will keep you satiated.