Strengthen the neck

The muscles of the neck are not usually worked directly in bodybuilding routines, except in disciplines such as rugby, boxing and other fighting sports in which the neck is subjected to a great demand.

Working the muscles in the area can provide a great positive aesthetic impact on bodybuilding enthusiasts, since the development of the upper body often generates a certain disproportion with respect to the neck and head. Visually, a powerful neck conveys a positive perception, always knowing that there are tastes of all kinds.

One of the advantages of neck work is that the results in general are very fast, in a short time we will see results and we can maintain them without too much dedication.

The most important muscle in the area is the sternocleidomastoid, both at a functional level and when adding volume to the neck. The posterior region is occupied by the upper part of the trapezius and the splenii.Musculos del cuello

Basic training

If we have never trained neck, it is best to start with simple neck lifts. We can perform them comfortably on a training bench, lying up and leaving the neck and head free. We must extend the neck back and perform push-ups bringing the chin closer to the chest.

Then we would do the reverse exercise, lying down and extending the neck (there are special helmets to perform this exercise with free weights).

Finally, standing on the side we can exercise the lateral push-ups.

The neck muscles are quite powerful, so it is advisable to do the push-ups with free weights resting on the head to work more intensely. With our hands we will hold the weight at all times so that it does not become unbalanced.

Due to the type of fibers (mostly slow) a low or medium intensity is preferable, being able to allow high volume. Thus, it can be recommended to perform the exercises 2-3 times a week without problem. A good option is to perform the 4 types of push-ups (anterior, posterior and two lateral) in a circuit, 4 times and with weights that allow us to perform between 10 and 20 repetitions. It does not take more than 10 minutes and the results are assured.

Advanced training

It is a recommended training for rugby or fighting sports practitioners. The most widespread and beneficial exercise is the so-called “fighter’s bridge” , called “neck bridge” in English.

It consists of the realization of a bridge formed by the body, in which the supports are the feet and the head. Once this position is achieved (at first it will be necessary to use the hands), flexion-extensions are performed with the neck, trying to bring the nose closer to the ground.

Puente del luchador

The most advanced level consists of performing circular movements with the neck, so that all the muscles in the area are exercised. To perform the rotations it is useful to support yourself with your hands, however it is a potentially harmful exercise so it is best to have someone with experience to supervise the movements.