How to lose weight after the holidays?

Summer holidays seem like the most anticipated date of the year, when we can disconnect from our work routine and habits that we maintain throughout the year. It is important that both physical exercise and food do not see them as an obligation, but as a lifestyle. In this way, even while on vacation, we will continue to be healthy.

Logically, we will "sin" at certain foods or stay less active, but we don't have to obsess either. We must be aware of what we can enjoy without having to regret it later.
What is less favorable is that we lead an unhealthy lifestyle and on vacation we abuse these habits.

perder peso vacaciones

In summer it is very common and we do not have a control of the number of meals, and that we eat foods with excess salt and little fiber. In addition, we also become more lazy and leave physical activity for when we join the routine. All these bad habits will make us gain weight, although it does not mean that it is totally fat.
The safest thing is that we have a great retention of liquids, and that is why we feel more bloated or with greater volume.

Follow your circadian rhythm

As we said before, in summer we tend to eat at any time even without being hungry. It is important that we have a control and a schedule of our meals, especially to get used to our daily routine and not to constantly think about food.

You can establish five or six meals a day to avoid starvation and accustom your body to stable habits.

The healthier the better

The problem of having gained weight is found to a greater extent in our diet. By eating low-fiber foods, drinking little water or abusing salt, episodes of fluid retention occur and our weight increases.
Eat a balanced diet with a high content of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, legumes, olive oil, fish, meat, etc. Above all, make them fresh and as natural as possible.

Do physical exercise and rest

Not everything is food. It is very important that you stay active as long as possible during the day; This will help keep your fluid retention down and back to your weight in no time.

In addition, it is essential to get a good rest at night. So avoid having heavy dinners, drinking alcohol or taking any other type of stimulant before going to sleep.