How long should we train with weights to see results?

You may not have enough time to go to the gym often, or are in the knowledge that you require to add to your exercise routine cardio strength training, but have not yet clear how do to see results.

In this sense, doing strength training can improve physical performance, movement control, walking speed, functional independence, cognitive skills and self-esteem. Plus, it can lower blood pressure, improve cardiovascular health, and lower your chances of developing type 2 diabetes.

Therefore, for any athlete or person who has decided to exercise and has understood the importance of including weight training in their plan, it will be very useful to know how long to train with weights to see results. Find out what the research says about this aspect.

Tiempo para entrenar fuerza y ver resultados

Aspects to know to see results when training with weights

1. Why is strength training important?

According to Michael Boyle, a strength and conditioning coach and functional training expert in Boston, by training strength you minimize the possibility of hurting yourself or injuring yourself. In addition, you will be able to increase bone density, strengthen tendons and ligaments, so not only will you be able to lift more weight, but your body will resist injuries.

Although you may think that cardio training is the best solution for weight loss, one study found that men who did 20 minutes of weight training per day saw less fat in the abdomen than those who did 20 minutes of cardio. Furthermore, another study showed that with 10 weeks of strength training one group increased lean mass by 1.4 kg, increased resting metabolic rate by 7%, and lowered fat weight by 1.8 kg.

Therefore, if you are trying to lose weight, then it is the best time to do without so much time on the treadmill.

Sugerencias para ver resultados más rápido al entrenar con pesas

2. How many times a week is it recommended to train with weights?

Research suggests that a strength training frequency of once a week may be just as effective as a more rigorous schedule in improving muscle strength. In addition, the study showed substantial strength gains in a group that engaged in a less frequent schedule.

In this way, some coaches agree that there are concrete benefits to training with limited hours. This can be attributed to the adaptation that the nervous system has on this new added force.

For example, Jordan Metzl, a sports physician and author of Running Stron g, recommends full-body strength training once or twice a week as very effective. Metzl has even created a training program for 5K, 10K and marathon runners where they incorporate strength training just one day per week.

It is important to note that weight training is not just about bulking, instead it is about building stronger muscles, improving balance, and maintaining fast-twitch muscle fibers.

Not all experts agree that training weights once a week is enough. However, a workout twice a week is perfect. Although you can gain strength in one training session a week, doing it 2 times will allow your body to adapt better.

Also, whether you do 1 or 2 workouts a week you will give your body enough time to recover. Don’t forget that many people tend to overtrain, which can slow progress.

Sesiones a la semana de pesas para ver resultados

3. What additional benefits does strength training bring to the triathlete and runner?

Strength training also increases the lactate threshold, which results in the muscles taking longer to fatigue while exercising.

Another advantage is that although the time of the triathlete and runner is limited, incorporating 1 or 2 times a week weight training helps the body to handle the repetitive stress of the movements of these disciplines.

On the other hand, for average people or those who do not practice any type of exercise, training weights 1 or 2 times a week is enough to break the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle.

¿Cuántas veces deben entrenar pesas los triatletas?

4. How long should the strength session last to see results?

Research shows that it is not necessary to spend a large amount of time in each session. Boyle’s experience indicates that spending 15 minutes per session and twice a week is sufficient. Therefore, it is believed that this is the minimum amount of time that people must train to see results.

In addition, it is recommended that during the session there is a variety of exercises through a circuit, completing 2 sets of 10 repetitions each, and that they focus on different muscle groups.

To do this, a full-body workout is suggested that combines movements such as push-ups, pull-ups, and squats, among others. This type of training twice a week can increase strength without having to spend long hours in the gym.

¿Cuánto tiempo esperar para ver resultados del entrenamiento de pesas?

How to get results faster with a weight training?

  • A proper warm-up is crucial before meeting your weight training goal for the day.
  • Keep in mind that proper nutrition is still the key when it comes to getting the results you want. For example, consuming healthy carbohydrates after training will replenish your glycogen levels and help muscles recover faster, but the most important thing is protein consumption, so you should consume a sufficient amount according to your requirements.


Doing something is better than not doing it. Start your sessions with what you have, and 1 or 2 times a week, either in the gym, at home, or through your body weight, and it will guarantee small gains that will encourage you to exercise those muscle areas frequently. And if you are an experienced athlete, you already know that training hard will benefit you greatly; in particular when protecting you from future injuries that may hinder your training plan.


  • Kelly, E. The Minimum Amount You Can Strength Train and Still See Results. For Greatist [Revised February 2017]