Do you make any of these mistakes when making your smoothie?

You wake up, you want a quick breakfast and you think about making a fitness and healthy smoothie. Are you sure you do it correctly? Although it seems simple, because you only have to put the ingredients in the blender, homemade smoothies need a little morning so that the result is not disastrous. Here are some possible (fairly common) mistakes that may be ruining your favorite drink.

To the mixer, quick!

You are in a hurry, you have woken up late or you do not have time for a snack; no matter the excuse, smoothies need a shake time to be creamy and without traces. It doesn't take more than two minutes, even in the best of cases, one will suffice.
For proper mixing, add the liquid first so it stays at the bottom and doesn't form a plug of solids.

smoothies de frutas

A smoothie must have sugar in it, right?

If your smoothie is fruit, why do you need to add sugar or sweetener? Leave the stevia, syrups or honey, adding bananas, kiwis, strawberries or natural milk you will have the sweet contribution you need. If you have overindulged with the natural sweetness of the fruit, you can counteract it by adding a little lemon juice.

You don't use ripe fruit

This error is quite common. Our advice is that you always take the fruit in a chewy form and if you notice that it is going to start to ripen too much, use it for smoothies. Normally, in supermarkets or greengrocers they sell unfinished fruit or with just the right point so that they do not go bad.

If you have a banana with a blackened skin or a soft kiwi in your pantry, they are perfect to put in the blender. It is not an appearance contest, so it should not be important that the fruit is "ugly".

You abuse the ice

We have always seen that fruit smoothies have ice to make them more palatable in summer, the problem is when we do not stop pouring cubes in the blender. Ice can prevent healthy fats (seeds, nuts, coconut oil) from being perfectly incorporated into the shake.

Try to add the ice after you have beaten all the ingredients before. This way you will also control the amount of ice water you should add.

You mix without thinking about taste

I plead guilty! I too have gone crazy adding vegetables and fruits in the blender and then end up drinking it with a stuffy nose. In addition, many are tempted to throw in everything they have read that is healthy: spinach, quinoa, avocado … In the end you will be adding an immense amount of calories without realizing it.