Pronokal diet, a slimming program

The Pronokal diet is a very popular weight loss method. In fact, there are numerous celebrities who use it today. Throughout this text we are going to see in detail what this diet is, how it is carried out and how it is healthy, or there are other methods that are much better for our health and to achieve the physical goals that we have set for ourselves.

Miracle diets happen one after another, and it seems that they will never end, especially if thousands of people follow it to the letter and fully trust it. Let’s see if this diet is good and helps us lose weight without the rebound effect, or is it better to use other types of approaches such as a balanced, healthy and varied diet together with the practice of some sport.

What is?

The Pronokal diet, as its name suggests, is a diet, that is, a diet. But unlike being based on fresh, varied and healthy foods, it is a mix where there are prepared products that replace meals and can be mixed with very small amounts of real food.

In some places they define it as a slimming program that must be carried out under medical supervision. Moreover, it must be a doctor who recommends it to us. In the definition of this diet, they also include that it is not a low-calorie or high-protein diet, but rather it is a weight loss method where sugars and fats are reduced, and adequate protein intake is made so that our body works properly and allows the weightloss.

Experts consider it a comprehensive treatment that allows physiological adaptation in the face of changes in lifestyle. But they paint it in a way that it looks like a reliable diet, because they avoid talking about the existence of Pronokal’s elaborate compounds. That is where the business is, as it happens with other entities such as Herbalife.

In the next section we will explain the phases, since this type of restrictive diet usually begins with very hard phases and where the vast majority of foods are excluded, and then the patient is incorporated into a more or less normal life to avoid the rebound effect. .

how it’s done

This diet has a series of phases that we will describe below. Anything that has phases and that involves very radical changes in our lives is not recommended, since the best option is to impose long-term healthy lifestyle habits, such as making meals with healthy, varied and balanced foods, reducing sugars and fats, and introduce exercise into our daily routine.

  • Phase 1: Here you can lose up to 80% of your weight in just over 2 weeks, something very aggressive in some cases. This is due to dietary restrictions and drastic changes, apart from the substitution of meals for the processed powders.
  • Phase 2: nutritional re-education arrives and is achieved with the gradual reintroduction of food. Changes in the diet are also adopted, exercise begins and the body loses the weight that is missing. The question is that the body adapts to the physiological changes and the metabolism stabilizes.
  • Phase 3: the periodic follow-up stage is entered to support the patient and maintain their long-term goal. Of course, they are still offered in powder form by the company.

Una ensalada de brotes verdes

allowed foods

There are few foods allowed in this diet, since everything is based on food substitutes, hence the great weight loss that is achieved in less than 2 weeks. In the first phase you have to take 5 Pronokal sachets a day and for lunch and dinner you can mix them with boiled vegetables in very small quantities and only the vegetables allowed such as broccoli, Swiss chard, watercress, lettuce, spinach, etc. This first phase is then divided into 2 parts.

In the first, there are 4 sachets per day and oily fish, meat and eggs are included in 1 meal. In the second part, there are 3 envelopes and meat, fish and eggs are included in 2 meals. In other words, the diet is based on sachets of preparations that provide nutrients to the body to keep it safe, but it cannot be compared with real food.

The second phase is divided into 5 parts. In the first place, the Pronokal sachets are reduced to 2 a day and we can now introduce vegetables, meat, fish and eggs. In addition, at breakfast we can already eat dairy products, fruit and bread.

The second part is exactly the same as the first, but we can introduce fruit mid-morning and mid-afternoon. The third part is also 2 envelopes and bread is added to all meals, in addition, the list of allowed vegetables such as cauliflower and green beans is expanded.

In the fourth part, legumes, starches and fruit are left for a single meal. Lastly, 2 sachets a day and cheese is added and the fish is continued.

In the third stage or phase of this diet there is a kind of nutritional balance, but this phase can last up to 2 years, creating in the patient a certain dependence on Pronokal prepared products, fear of skipping the diet and eating things that are not recommended or allowed etc That is, instead of encouraging the patient to eat a healthy diet with fresh and real products, they are encouraged to buy and consume powdered products that replace meals.

It is healthy?

That something has the approval of a doctor is not synonymous with healthy. This diet is a radical change for our body and not everyone should do it. Moreover, it is recommended that we do not do miracle diets or such restrictive diets, as they can cause damage to our body and our mental health.

This type of food based on sachets and shakes that replace meals, create dependency because of how “easy” it is to eat like this and because we will always look thin. The reality comes when time passes and our mineral and vitamin reserves are depleted, leading to anemia and other health problems.

As advice we will say that it is best to put yourself in the hands of specialized nutritionists and stay away from this type of company, as happens with Herbalife and many others that sell prepared meals at gold prices.