What to eat with a stomach ache?

Not sure what to eat with a stomach ache ? If so, it is understandable, since it is not easy to tell, since an upset stomach is so annoying that it can even take away the desire to eat. This is because discomfort such as bloating or nausea make the body weaker and, consequently, modify the perception of the sense of taste.

Faced with this natural reaction of the body, the logical thing is to think that you should opt for a soft diet. However, the term ” soft diet ” can sound a bit ambiguous, so many people are not very clear about what to eat with a stomach ache.

In this regard, it must be said that you should avoid confusing a soft diet with an astringent diet . This common mistake should not be made, since the foods of an astringent diet can be good when you have a stomach ache, but they do not contain too many nutrients, so they can have a negative effect if the diet is maintained for a long time.


Therefore, the key to a proper soft diet lies in providing enough nutrients to the body, but doing everything possible to ensure that digestive stimulation is as low as possible , so as to avoid secreting many stomach acids that could increase damage to the walls. stomach, but without reducing too much the nutritional contribution.

What foods to eat with a stomach ache

It is clear then that eating the soft foods indicated by instinct may be the ideal, but maintaining certain restrictions . The key is to focus on avoiding foods that overstimulate the gastric mucosa. Examples of foods to avoid are certain spices, carbonated drinks, whole grains, certain raw vegetables, alcohol, coffee, very greasy or salty foods, among others.

On the other hand, it is also advisable to hydrate frequently when you have stomach pain. Also, it is a good idea to eat several light servings of food spread throughout the day.


It is worth mentioning that it is not enough to know what to eat with a stomach ache to cure the pathology. However, it may be enough to help keep the problem from getting worse and to relieve symptoms . If you are not sure what to eat with a stomach ache, the following recommendations may come in handy:

White rice

White rice is probably the most typical food when you have a stomach ache. Its virtue is that it is easy to digest, absorbs harmful toxins and helps coat the stomach lining . However, if you decide to eat white rice, it is important that you prepare it with mild accompaniments such as ham. Therefore, eggs and tomatoes or other foods that can make stomach pain worse should be avoided.


Another classic food when you have a stomach ache is broth. The key is that the broth is quite soft, so that it is easy to digest, so copious meat soups should be avoided , which can make stomach pain worse.


Toasted bread is a good food option when you have stomach pains, as it helps prevent gastric reflux. However, additives such as jam or butter should not be used . Similarly, you can also eat white bread if you don’t like toast or crackers.


Bananas are one of the best nutritional allies when suffering from stomach diseases, as they have multiple beneficial properties . They contain a large amount of electrolytes, so they not only help the digestive system to recover, but also to maintain adequate hydration.

In addition, bananas are rich in potassium , a very important mineral when suffering from diarrhea or vomiting.


Apples are a fruit rich in beneficial properties when you have a stomach ache. Among its important properties is pectin, a form of fiber that helps treat constipation and diarrhea .


Papaya is a tropical fruit known for its effectiveness in treating constipation. In addition, it contains an enzyme called papain, which promotes digestion .


Tea is another of the classic foods for treating abdominal pain, as it has anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve pain . Therefore, if your stomach hurts, it is highly recommended to prepare a cup of hot tea.


Water is perhaps the most obvious food on the list, since adequate hydration is essential when you have a stomach ache , but it still needs to be mentioned. Water not only helps to maintain proper hydration, but also to eliminate toxins.

Now, you should not make the mistake of drinking water without justification, but every time your body asks for water . As an alternative option, you can drink coconut water, which is rich in electrolytes.


Finally, you can’t talk about what to eat with a stomach ache without mentioning ginger, as its properties have been used for centuries to treat stomach ailments . It is especially effective in relieving symptoms of vomiting and nausea.

Dolor estomacal

You can consume ginger in the form of herbal supplements or boil ginger root slices in water to make a ginger tea. You can also buy ginger tea sachets .

If you are interested in an alternative to ginger, you can also drink chamomile tea, as chamomile is also effective in treating vomiting. However, the efficacy of chamomile is not as good as ginger in treating nausea, so it is recommended that ginger be your first choice.


  • Loring, C. (2017, November 24). These are the best foods to fight belly pain. The vanguard. https://www.lavanguardia.com/vivo/nutricion/20171124/433099423900/alimentos-para-combatir-el-dolor-de-tripa.html#:%7E:text=El%20pan%20tostado%20%E2% 80% 93 without% 20 butter, diet% 20 and% 20 have% 20m% C3% B Multiple% 20 properties.
  • Cueto, H. (2020, July 26). The best foods to eat when you have a stomach ache. Business Insider Mexico | News designed for you. https://businessinsider.mx/los-mejores-alimentos-para-comer-cuando-tienes-dolor-de-estomago/