The best swimming routines for triathletes

Most swimming training sessions are specially designed to face any competition in this sport, and therefore swimming routines for triathletes are different from training for dry swimmers.

It is important to look for a training according to the demands of the activity to be carried out, therefore, you must improve your swimming efficiency and at the same time improve your rhythm . A good coach can help you develop the necessary skills for swimming, but if you do not have the support of one of them, you can put these 2 swimming routines for triathletes into practice. In this way you can improve your conditions for the rest of the competition.

buceo durante el entrenamiento

2 top swimming routines for triathletes

Aerobic swimming: laying the groundwork

Before starting training, it is important to note that there is no set number of laps per swimming. You simply have to use the measurement associated with your pool.

Throughout your workout, you should maintain a perceived effort level between easy and moderate .

The swim in the first series is much more fun if you practice it with three or six people who swim approximately the same speed as you . Then you must follow these steps:

  1. Turns in the forward position in a single lane.
  2. When the leader completes 75 meters, he should stay to the right side of the lane wall to allow the other swimmers to swim past him. He will then join the group as the new last person.

Turning in the forward position makes time pass faster, which helps improve technique, and generally creates a much better pace of nothing compared to training it on your own.

After completing the 900 meters, rest for one to two minutes before starting the 600 meters . You can continue with the same type of training mentioned above, or select a leader for each of the remaining sets. During the 600 meters, you must perform three repetitions of 100 meters of closed fist swim and then 100 meters of regular swim.

Swimming with a fully clenched fist forces you to use your entire arm to catch the water and increase your cadence. When you open your hands after swimming with your fists clenched, you will feel like you are using paddles. Curling the fingers down and keeping the palm open does not count as a fist swim .

By the end of the main set, it is recommended to work a few different muscles by adding some back exercises.

Next, we break down the swimming routines for triathletes .

Rutina de natación para triatletas específica

First swimming routine for triathletes

  • I swim 300 to 500 meters freestyle, 200 to 400 meters kicking, 200 meters freestyle.

For the main series:

  • 900 meters of constant swimming, change who leads the lane every 75 meters. One or two minute rest interval.
  • Constant 600 meters consisting of 3 x 100 fists / 100 swim. One or two minute rest interval.
  • 200 meters at intervals of different intensity. 1 or 2 minute break.
  • 6 x 50 backstroke in 1:10

For the cool down period:

  • Swim from 100 to 200 meters, whatever your choice of swim.

Swim with negative division threshold

Negative split workouts help athletes learn to measure their energy level and not go too fast at the beginning of training.

Before starting such training, you must first determine the highest average pace you can maintain during a set of three 300-meter reps , with only 30 seconds of rest between each swim (3 x 300 with 30 seconds of rest). You must call this your T-Pace.

Then you need to add 15 seconds to your T-Pace pace – this is a swim or ejection interval for the entire main set. For example: if your T-pace is 1:30, your swim interval is 1:45. You will move away from the wall each time the clock strikes one minute 45 seconds.

Rutina de natación para triatletas experimentados

Second top swimming routine for triathletes

300 meter stroke swim, 300 meter kick swim, 200 meter freestyle recovery exercises .

For the main series:

  • 6 x 100 (T-pace minus 1 to 2 seconds).
  • 100-meter recovery swim at an easy level, followed by less than a minute of rest.
  • 4 x 100 (T-Pace minus 3 seconds).
  • 100-meter easy swim recovery swim, followed by less than a minute of rest.
  • 4 x 100 (T-Pace minus 5 seconds).
  • 100 meters of easy swim.

For the cool down period:

  • 1 to 2 x 300 meters consisting of 50 meters to lower pulsations, 25 meters of swimming with only the right arm, 25 meters of swimming with only the left arm. 50 meters of “perfect stroke” swim and 150 meters of normal swim.
natación para triatletas

2. Tips for the less experienced

If you want to vary your training a bit , you can increase the intensity of training number one , having only the leader swim his 75 meters as fast as possible. For those inexperienced swimmers, they can cut their distance by as little as half.

As you progress through your training season, you can keep the same pace, but don’t try to improve your swimming pace during the second workout . A second option is to retest your T-Pace to see if you can improve your time.

mujer entrenando en piscina


Swimming training is quite rigorous and difficult to follow, therefore, if you want to train for a triathlon, you must follow a series of routines that are fun but at the same time that meet the level of demand necessary for the athlete improve your swimming conditions. These two training routines for triathletes will help you improve your expectations


  • Gale, B. 2 Top Swim Workouts for Triathletes. For Active [Revised March 2020].