Is it convenient to take vitamin gummies as a supplement?

Vitamins are essential in many diets, especially in that of those people who believe that taking vitamins can improve health or simply compensate for a poor diet.

In today’s market, there are different types of vitamin supplements, including gummies. Gummy vitamins are known to taste delicious and easy to take. However, most gummies contain added sugar and this may not be spelled out in the nutrient content of the vitamins.

Do you want to know if it is really convenient to take vitamin gummies? With this guide you will be able to know everything you want about this supplement.

Suplemento de vitaminas de gominolas

What are vitamin gummies?

They are chewy vitamins, known for their rich flavor and smooth texture. They contain flavors similar to candy gummies and come in a wide variety of flavors, sizes, colors, and shapes.

It should be noted that this type of vitamins are one of the most popular in the world. They are consumed mainly by children, as well as for adults who do not like having to swallow pills, since this is the most pleasant way to consume vitamins.

Composition of vitamin gummies?

These types of vitamins are commonly made from gelatin, cornstarch, water, sugar, and added colorants. The most popular flavors of these gummies are: lemon, raspberry, cherry, and orange.

The vitamins in gummies provide vitamins and minerals or some select nutrients, such as vitamin D and calcium.

¿Qué son las gominolas de vitaminas?

Benefits of vitamin gummies

1. They provide beneficial nutrients

Since vitamin gummies are packed with nutrients, gummy vitamins can benefit people.

Research suggests that most people who eat a balanced diet do not need to take multivitamins. (Kamangar and Emadi, 2012). However, some people can benefit from supplements, including those who do not eat certain foods. Affected groups include vegans, older adults, and pregnant women (Troesch, Eggersdorfer, & Weber, 2012).

Nutrientes de las gominolas de vitaminas

2. They are easy to drink and have a pleasant taste

Many of the people prefer gummy vitamins to pills, this is due to the delicious fruit flavors and some are caramel flavored. This is one of the reasons they attract children who might otherwise be somewhat problematic when it comes to taking vitamins. (Ethan et al., 2015).

In addition to their rich flavor, gummy vitamins are easy to chew and can usually be taken by people who have trouble swallowing the pills. They can also be simpler for children and adults to add to their routines and consume more consistently than other vitamin supplements.

Las gominolas de vitaminas son fáciles de consumir

Disadvantages of gummy vitamins

1. May contain added sugar

The rich flavor of these types of gummy vitamins usually comes from the added sugars. For example, a popular variety of children’s gummy multivitamins contains three different types of added sugars and contains 3 grams of sugar and 15 calories per gummy. In this regard, it should be taken into account that excessive consumption of added sugar is related to obesity, heart disease and dental cavities. (Drewnowski, 2007).

The added sugar in gummy vitamins doesn’t seem like a large amount, but it can contribute to excess sugar consumption, especially if you take in more than one gummy vitamin per day and eat other foods with added sugars.

You should also be vigilant with product labeling, because to decrease the amount of added sugars in gummy vitamins, some manufacturers may add sugar alcohols instead, which can lead to diarrhea, nausea, bloating, and other unwanted digestive symptoms. in some people. (Storey et al., 2007).

Las vitaminas de gomitas contienen mucho azúcar

2. Some contain different amounts of nutrients than listed.

Since gummy vitamins are not regulated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), the nutrients in vitamins may not match what is on their labels.

A recent report found that 80% of the gummy vitamins tested did not have the same amounts of vitamins and minerals as indicated on their labels. This is in part because manufacturers cannot contain as many vitamins and minerals when they have to add sugars, dyes, and other filler compounds.

Nutrientes enumerados de las vitaminas de gominolas

3. They are easy to eat in large quantities

The excessive consumption of these types of supplements can cause people to consume too many nutrients than they really should, especially if you eat foods fortified with vitamins and minerals. This could result in vitamin or mineral toxicity, which can harm your body. This is really concerning for young children who may view gummy vitamins as candy and eat more than the recommended dose.

Since children need lower amounts of nutrients than adults, they are more susceptible to vitamin and mineral toxicity (Basch and Basch, 2015).

Las vitaminas de gomitas se pueden comer muy fácil

Should you consume vitamin gummies?

For most people who eat a balanced diet, these supplements are really unnecessary. However, it is not ruled out that gummies may be necessary for a certain type of population, including those with nutrient deficiencies, absorption problems, or higher nutrient needs. However, children should be careful of a high consumption of these supplements, as it can cause toxicity.

If you are interested in trying gummy vitamins, you should be aware that they are not strictly regulated. To choose a quality brand, it is recommended to look for third-party certified low-sugar varieties from groups such as NSF International, United States Pharmacopeia (USP), Informed-Choice,, or Banned Substances Control Group (BSCG). ).

¿Es beneficioso tomar vitaminas de gomitas?


Gummy vitamins are a very easy supplement to take, thanks to their rich flavor and easy consumption. You can find them in different flavors, colors, shapes and sizes. They are specially designed to be consumed by children or by adults who do not like having to take pills. However, they may contain fewer nutrients than other types of vitamins and are sometimes full of added sugar and other additives.


  • Basch, C. and Basch, E. (2015). The Potential Danger of Flavoring in Health Promoting and Health Compromising Products: Implications for Children. Health Promotion Perspective . doi: 10.15171 / hpp.2015.001
  • Drewnowski, A. (2007). The real contribution of added sugars and fats to obesity. National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health. doi: 10.1093 / epirev / mxm011
  • Ethan, D., Basch, C., Samuel, L., Quinn, C. and Dunne, S. (2015). An examination of product packaging marketing strategies used to promote pediatric multivitamins. Springer Link . doi:
    10.1007 / s10900-014-9972-1
  • Kamangar, F. and Emadi, A. (2012). Vitamin and Mineral Supplements: Do We Really Need Them? National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health. doi: 1022448315
  • Storey, D., Lee, A., Bornet, F. and Brouns, F. (2007). Gastrointestinal tolerance of erythritol and xylitol ingested in a liquid. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. doi: 10.1038 / sj.ejcn.1602532
  • Troesch, B., Eggersdorfer, M. and Weber, P. (2012). 100 years of vitamins: adequate intake in the elderly is still a matter of concern. The Journal of Nutrition . doi: 10.3945 / jn.112.157826