Physiotherapy: Does medical insurance include physiotherapy sessions?

If you are an athlete, surely you have thought about the benefits of having private health insurance and physiotherapy care included for treating injuries and illnesses. Most private medical insurance includes physiotherapy and rehabilitation sessions , although each company usually includes a series of peculiarities. Thus, it is usual for this specialty to be very limited in terms of the benefits and assumptions covered by the policies.

But how do you know that medical insurance includes physiotherapy sessions ? In the online comparator you can find all the information you need to know what your health insurance policy includes and not be surprised.

What is physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is a physical therapy that helps patients regain functionality and strength of parts of the body after illness or injury. A therapy that if done properly and regularly can help prevent damage from becoming recurrent or chronic.

Receiving physiotherapy sessions prevent, maintain and repair the functionality of the body , providing a double benefit to the patient.

The use of online insurance comparators allows us to consult the coverage before contracting medical insurance and to know what the physiotherapy coverage that they include is like.

How is physiotherapy coverage in health insurance?

Insurance companies attach great importance to physiotherapy, adding it as a complementary service. But for insurers to cover physiotherapy or rehabilitation sessions, the damage must be the result of an injury that occurred after the policy was taken out , as is the case with pregnancy coverage.

Physiotherapy coverage usually includes the treatment of the insured to achieve the functionality of the musculoskeletal system after an accident, an injury training or practicing a sport or an illness.

But, before requesting the benefit, it is necessary to go to the doctor to assess whether it is really necessary to receive physiotherapy or rehabilitation sessions , establish a treatment and prescribe it. A standard required by most insurance companies.

The treatments that insurance companies usually offer vary depending on the type of ailment that afflicts the patient. Thus, the treatments can be:

  • Trauma physiotherapy , especially for patients who have come out of an operation or have suffered dislocations or fractures.
  • Sports physiotherapy in which all kinds of muscle diseases, injuries, tendonitis, etc. are treated.
  • Rheumatological physiotherapy , for the treatment of osteoarthritis and arthritis.
  • Neurological physiotherapy , especially for patients with diseases such as Parkinson’s or multiple sclerosis.
  • Of geriatric physiotherapy , aimed at optimizing the motor functionality of the elderly.
  • And, finally, childbirth and postpartum physiotherapy .

As can be seen in comparators such as, insurers offer very similar coverage , the main difference between one and the other being benefits related to rehabilitation, a specialty that is usually offered in conjunction with physiotherapy treatment.

There are also insurers that have extensions of their coverage to allow access to physiotherapy sessions at exclusive prices.