Pegan diet: the paleo diet for vegans

The Pegan Diet is an eating style inspired by two of the most popular dietary trends: paleo and vegan. Dr. Mark Hyman is its creator and claims that this diet promotes better health by reducing inflammation and balancing blood sugar.

However, some components of this diet remain controversial. Here’s everything we need to know about the stick diet, including its potential health benefits and drawbacks.

What does this diet consist of?

The paste diet combines paleo and vegan principles , but also allows the consumption of meat. Although it is rich in many nutrients that can promote optimal health, it can be too restrictive for many people.

This type of diet combines some key rules of the paleo and vegan diets based on the notion that whole foods can reduce inflammation, balance blood sugar and support optimal health. If our first thought is that going paleo and vegan at the same time sounds almost impossible, we should not be confused.

Despite its name, the Stick Diet is unique and has its own set of guidelines. In fact, it is less restrictive than a paleo or vegan diet alone. More emphasis is placed on vegetables and fruits, but small to moderate amounts of meat, certain fish, nuts, seeds, and some legumes are also allowed. Of course, highly processed sugars, oils, and grains are discouraged, but they are still acceptable in very small amounts.

The stick diet is not designed like a typical short-term diet. Rather, it aims to be more sustainable so that it can be continued indefinitely.

Benefits of the Paleo and Vegan Diet

The stick diet can help improve health in a number of ways. The emphasis on the intake of fruits and vegetables is perhaps its best feature. Fruits and vegetables are some of the foods with the highest nutritional profile. They are packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals, and plant compounds known to prevent disease and reduce both oxidative stress and inflammation.

The stick diet also prioritizes the consumption of healthy unsaturated fats from fish, nuts, seeds and other plants that can have a positive impact on heart health. Additionally, diets that are based on whole foods and contain few ultra-processed foods are associated with an improvement in the overall quality of the diet.

Lots of fruits and vegetables

Many of us are aware that eating lots of fruits and vegetables is healthy for us. However, studies show that most people are deficient in this regard. A sticky diet will help fill any gaps in your goal of consuming five servings a day by providing much-needed fiber and micronutrients.

Also, it can be difficult to commit 100% to paleo or veganism. However, thanks to being a middle ground between the two, the stick diet offers more balance and flexibility.

Low glycemic index

The glycemic index is a system that measures how individual foods raise blood glucose. The Stick Diet encourages its followers to find out which foods help stabilize blood sugar.

This can be a good thing, especially for people with diabetes, prediabetes, and other insulin-related conditions. It can also help people who want to live a ketosis-focused lifestyle with low carbohydrate loads.

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Foods allowed on the Pegan Diet

The stick diet focuses primarily on whole foods, or foods that have been little or no processed before reaching the plate. Basically, it maintains the idea of ​​feeding ourselves as in the Paleolithic, with a great base of vegetables.

Many vegetables

The main food group in the diet stick is vegetables and fruits , which should account for 75% of the total intake. Low-glycemic fruits and vegetables, such as berries and non-starchy vegetables, should be emphasized to minimize the blood sugar response.

Small amounts of starchy vegetables and sugary fruits may be allowed for those who have already achieved healthy blood sugar control before starting the diet.

Responsibly sourced proteins

Although the paste diet mainly emphasizes plant foods, an adequate intake of animal protein is recommended. It must be taken into account that since 75% of the diet is made up of vegetables and fruits, less than 25% is left by proteins of animal origin. So we will have much lower meat intake than with a typical paleo diet, but still more than with any vegan diet.

The stick diet discourages the consumption of conventionally farmed meats or eggs. Instead, grass-fed, pasture-raised beef, pork, poultry, and whole egg sources are advised. Also encourage your intake of fish, specifically those that tend to be low in mercury, such as sardines and wild salmon.

Minimally processed fats

In this diet, we must consume healthy fats from specific sources, such as:

  • Nuts: except peanuts.
  • Seeds: except processed seed oils.
  • Avocado and olives: cold pressed olive oil and avocado can also be used.
  • Coconut: Unrefined coconut oil is allowed.
  • Omega-3: especially those from fish or algae with low mercury content.
  • Grass-fed meats, pasture-raised meats and whole eggs also contribute to the fat content of the diet stick.

Some whole grains and legumes

Although most grains and legumes are discouraged in the diet due to their potential to influence blood sugar, some gluten-free whole grains and legumes are allowed in limited amounts. The intake of cereals should not exceed more than 1/2 cup (125 grams) per meal, while the intake of legumes should not exceed 1 cup (75 grams) per day.

The grains and legumes that can be eaten are:

  • Grains: black rice, quinoa, amaranth, millet, teff, oats.
  • Legumes: lentils, chickpeas, black beans and pints.

However, we must further restrict these foods if we have diabetes or another condition that contributes to poor blood sugar control.

Foods to Avoid

The stick diet is more flexible than a paleo or vegan diet because it allows for the occasional intake of almost any food. However, various foods and groups of them are discouraged. Some of these foods are known to be unhealthy, while others can be considered very healthy, depending on who you ask. Most of these foods are prohibited due to their perceived impact on blood sugar and inflammation in the body.

The foods to avoid in the diet stick are:

  • Dairy: Cow’s milk, yogurt and cheese are not recommended. However, foods made from sheep’s or goat’s milk are allowed in limited quantities. Grass-fed butter is also sometimes allowed.
  • Gluten: cereals or grains that contain gluten are not recommended.
  • Gluten-free cereals : Even those that do not contain gluten are not recommended. Occasionally small amounts of gluten-free whole grains may be allowed.
  • Legumes: Most legumes are discouraged due to their potential to increase blood sugar. Low-starch legumes, such as lentils, can be allowed.
  • Sugar: It is generally recommended to avoid any form of added sugar, refined or not. It can be used occasionally, but very sparingly.
  • Refined oils : Refined or highly processed oils, such as canola, soybean, sunflower, and corn oil are almost always avoided.
  • Food additives: artificial colors, flavorings, preservatives and other additives are avoided.

alimentos de la dieta pegan

Possible downsides of the Pegan Diet

Despite its positive effects, this type of diet also has some disadvantages that are worth considering before getting into it.

Unnecessary restrictions

Although the sticky diet allows more flexibility than a strict vegan or paleo diet, many of the proposed restrictions unnecessarily limit very healthy foods, such as legumes, whole grains, and dairy. Proponents of the sticky diet often name increased inflammation and elevated blood sugar as the main reasons for eliminating these foods.

Also, some people have gluten and dairy allergies that can promote inflammation. This is also the case in some people who struggle to control their blood sugar when they eat starchy foods such as cereals or legumes. In these cases, it may be appropriate to reduce or eliminate these foods.

However, unless we have specific allergies or intolerances , it is not necessary to avoid them. Also, eliminating large food groups can lead to nutrient deficiencies if those nutrients are not replaced carefully. Therefore, we may need the help of a nutrition expert to implement the stick diet safely.

Lack of accessibility

While a diet full of organic fruits and vegetables and grass-fed meats may sound great, it can be unaffordable for many people. For the diet to be successful, we need considerable time to spend on meal preparation, some cooking experience, and meal planning. In addition to access to a variety of foods that can be quite expensive.

Due to restrictions on common processed foods like cooking oils, dining out with friends can be difficult. Specifically, this could lead to greater social isolation or increased stress.