Osteoporosis and caffeine, how does consumption affect bone density?

Osteoporosis is a very painful and serious disease that consists of the breaking of the bones due to their fragility. This has several causes, among them is age and sex, being adult women the most prone . Diet and the intake of certain substances such as caffeine are also risk factors for the development of osteoporosis or osteopenia. That is why today we invite you to review how bones are affected by the consumption of caffeine and other types of foods.

How Caffeine Affects Bone Density

contraindicaciones de la cafeína

Caffeine is a substance that has a diuretic effect on the body, alternatively to this it serves as a stimulant of the central nervous system causing some symptoms of fatigue to temporarily disappear. This substance can be found artificially in beverages such as sodas, medicines, and sweets, but it can also be found naturally in tea leaves, kola nuts, cocoa, and coffee beans. People who do not endorse its consumption argue that it is of no nutritional benefit, limiting its use only as a treatment to combat fatigue and pain.

The way it affects bone density, becoming a risk factor for osteoporosis is due to its diuretic effect. When more than two cups of coffee are drunk in a row, they later cause an increase in trips to the bathroom. Along with the urine, not only waste is thrown out of the body, important amounts of minerals such as calcium, magnesium and sodium are also lost.

There are studies that relate the use of caffeine in all its presentations, with the absorption of vitamin D, this substance is accused of interfering with the absorption of the vitamin. Remember that the presence of it is necessary to help fix calcium in the bones, a mineral that together with vitamin D, help prevent osteoporosis.

We are not trying to put all the blame on caffeine for bone loss, but if we must recognize that the abuse of this substance together with an unbalanced diet and sedentary lifestyle, becomes a risk factor for that after a certain age the disease begins to arise in the bones.

What Foods Other Than Caffeine Should Be Restricted To Prevent Osteoporosis

alimentos que roban el calcio del cuerpo

There are studies that affirm that about fifty percent of women over fifty years of age are prone to suffer a hip fracture due to weakening of the bones, this rate can be reduced if you watch the consumption of these foods:

Sugar and refined foods: This type of food acidifies the body, making the body have to resort to calcium deposits in the bones to try to level its PH.

Excess protein: a high protein diet contributes to the kidneys having to eliminate a lot of calcium in the urine.

Carbonated drinks: drinks such as sodas or sodas inhibit the absorption of calcium in the bones, on the other hand, these can contain caffeine and phosphoric acid, two ingredients that help demineralize the bone.

Salt: abusing salty foods causes the kidneys to excrete considerable amounts of calcium.

Lastly, it is recommended not to abuse foods with a high content of oxalates and phytic acid since these hinder a good absorption of calcium.

How can bone density be improved

Vitamina D para prevenir la osteoporosis

  • Avoid the abuse of caffeine in your diet, do not overdo it with cups of coffee and its other presentations.
  • Check the amount of minerals in your diet, some of them such as magnesium and phosphorus are essential for bone health, but their consumption should not be so high for there to be a balance with calcium.
  • Consume fatty acids, these help prevent osteoporosis because it prevents the elimination of calcium through the urine, in the same way it helps it to be better absorbed.
  • Consume more vegetable proteins, these contain phytonutrients that coordinate the balance of estrogens in women with menopause. Remember that the decrease in estrogens is a risk factor for the disease to appear.
  • Take more calcium, this can be obtained from important sources such as dairy, chia and amaranth seeds, legumes, almonds, vegetables such as broccoli, citrus fruits and dried fruits. Among other sources that exist. If you cannot drink dairy drinks, you can opt for calcium-enriched vegetable milks. In addition to calcium, you should eat foods with magnesium to help build bones, this mineral also helps balance phosphorus levels.
  • Try your daily dose of vitamin D since one of its functions is to fix the calcium from food to the bones. The way to obtain it is by taking at least half an hour in the sun or obtaining it from foods such as fish, eggs, cod liver oil, milk, butter, etc.
  • Eat foods with vitamin K that help maintain good bone density.
  • End with tobacco and alcohol use.
  • Maintain a healthy weight .
  • Practice exercises with weights and elastic bands, jog or walk daily. Lastly, work on balance.