Obesity, know some tips to treat and avoid it

Obesity not treated in time can become a limiting factor in daily life for the person who suffers from it. This disease requires so much attention that in some countries it is already considered a public health problem: the United States has the highest rate of obese population with approximately 35%, followed by Mexico with 34% and Spain with 25%.

The first step towards obesity is being overweight. To know if you are obese or overweight, you first need to know your body mass index (BMI), which is calculated by dividing the weight in kilograms by the height in meters squared with the following formula (BMI = weight / height) . If the result oscillates between 25 and 29.9 kg it means overweight, when it is greater than 30 it already speaks of obesity.

Illnesses associated with obesity

There are many diseases that are associated with obesity, including:

  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Breast cancer
  • Increased cholesterol and triglycerides (Hyperlipidemias)
  • Low hormone production in both men and women (Hypogonadism)
  • The skin becomes thick and dark (Acanthosis)
  • Renal insufficiency
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Colorectal cancer
  • Gallstones
  • Sterility
  • Polycystic ovary
  • Enlargement of the heart
  • Fatty liver
  • Pulmonary embolism
  • Heart attack
  • Sleep apnea
  • Incontinence
  • Varicose veins

Keep in mind that obesity not only affects organically, but can affect mental health.

When obesity has escalated, a simple daily task can be very difficult to do , because the body continues to gain weight. If you do not do something quickly to stop it, the most important thing is to accept that you are suffering, ask for help from a specialist and follow their instructions exactly. Sometimes, when suffering severely and depending on the person’s condition, the solution is surgery.

Changes to make to reduce the risk of obesity

New “miracle diets” appear regularly in food and fashion magazines and on television shows that support quick and effortless weight loss . These diets are the result of seeking economic benefits, they are not intended to promote a healthy and balanced diet, and they are normally recommended by people who do not have sufficient knowledge in the nutrition sector.

Typically, these diets cause a loss of minerals and vitamins, changes in metabolism, and a boring eating routine that make them unsustainable for long periods of time. In addition, they cause the famous rebound effect that makes you regain lost weight shortly after abandoning them.

obesidad y sobrepeso

To start losing weight you have to follow a series of tips related to diet and physical exercise. The ideal is not to ingest more calories than are expended with the help of a balanced diet so that there is no decompensation, more or less a deficit of 500 calories a day is the most convenient.

It is also good to pick up a rhythm and carry out daily physical activity , such as walking, taking the stairs, taking out of the fridge foods that are not good for a balanced diet and leaving visible those that provide you with a lot of fiber, drink enough water, or plan your purchases according to the appropriate menu.

To lose weight and reduce the risk of obesity, it is also not good to buy loose clothing to notice when you start to lose weight. Another useful tip to achieve this goal is to review the circle of friends, it is best to stay with those who are willing to help you achieve your goals and leave out those who do not bring you anything good. The best thing is to set real goals that can be maintained over time and thus not have a rebound effect.

obesidad y ejercicio

The keys to a healthy diet

Here are some suggestions for foods that can help you have a balanced, healthy diet that allows you to lose weight:

  • Dairy: Opt for those that are skim , low in sugar.
  • Meats: Lean meats or poultry without skin, white fish . It is good to limit the consumption of eggs, avoid sausages, organ meats, duck and lamb.
  • Flours : Limit the consumption of rice, potatoes, pasta, bread and legumes , and avoid bakery products.
  • Fruits: Apple, kiwi, pineapple, orange, plum, strawberries, melon or watermelon, and avoid coconut, preserved fruits, dried fruits and olives.
  • Vegetables: There is no limit. Except in the way they are prepared, batters are not a good option.
  • Oils and Fats: Use olive oil and avoid the consumption of mayonnaise, cream, cream, bacon and butter.
  • Drinks: Drink water, herbal teas, aromatic, coffee or light drinks, limit sugary juices, and definitely avoid alcohol and carbonated drinks.
  • Sweets: The best is stevia, artificial sweeteners, natural compote and gelatin. Avoid chocolate, sugar in its two presentations and honey.
  • Dressings: Use aromatic herbs, vinegar, soy sauce and spices . Limit the consumption of mustard and ketchup.
  • Cooking: Preferably grilled, grilled, boiled, baked or steamed . Avoid fried and battered food.
alimentación sana

Never forget to have healthy snacks on hand , such as chopped fruit, vegetables or low-fat dairy, and water. Other important measures are to eliminate the fat that is visible on the plate, chew slowly, use a smaller plate, do not eat while watching television, reduce the consumption of ready-made foods, stop carbonated drinks and ice cream . If you have the habit of smoking or drinking, it is time to quit. You also have to respect the rest time of eight hours a day at night, not getting enough sleep makes the metabolism work more slowly.

When it comes to exercising, it is best to start gently , and as you progress, increase the pace. This will depend on the physical condition of the person. If you feel or suffer from any health problem that makes it impossible to practice exercise, a specialist can indicate the best way to start playing sports.