Try the box breathing technique when you need a 5-minute break

If you experience higher levels of stress and anxiety these days, you may be looking for solutions to ease your symptoms. Although we know that exercise can make a big difference in our mood and energy levels, the simple act of breathing with intention can reduce your racing heart and calm your senses.

Although many breathing techniques are effective, box breathing, also known as square breathing, 4 × 4 breathing, or quadratic breathing, is one of the easiest for beginners to try.

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Box Breathing Exercise: What You Should Know

The four count breath is famous for being used by the Navy SEALs as a method of staying calm in tense circumstances. As it can be used whenever and wherever, you can consider this breathing technique as a secret pocket superpower.

Many people think of box breathing as a square, as you breathe in a sequential pattern for four seconds at a time. It can be helpful to visualize the outline of a box's perimeter to stay focused in the moment.

How to do the box breathing technique?

  • Inhale. Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose as you slowly count to four on your head. As you do so, pay attention to your senses: Feel the air fill your lungs, one section at a time until your lungs are completely full and the air moves to your abdomen.
  • Pause. This is a necessary pause, as it requires your attention and concentration, rather than inhaling and exhaling effortlessly. Make sure to hold your breath for another slow count of four.
  • Exhale. Now, breathe out through the same slow count of four, expelling air from the lungs and abdomen. Observe the sensation of the air leaving your lungs.
  • Pause again . Hold your breath for the same slow count of four before repeating this process.

You can develop this breathing technique for five to 10 minutes . You can also extend the exhalation for a longer period if you choose to do it for up to six or eight seconds.

Most importantly, you should consider counting four breaths, but do what seems natural to you. This could mean a count of three, six, or whatever number is best for your body.

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What do you have to take into account before starting?

Although breathing from the box can be done anywhere, it is helpful to think about your position. Sit in a comfortable vertical chair where you can rest your feet on the floor. Try to be in a calm and stress-free environment where you can focus on your breathing. Keep your hands relaxed on your lap with your palms up, focus on your posture. You should be sitting up straight. This will help you breathe deeply.

If you're having trouble concentrating or staying on track while breathing out of the box, try tapping each pad of your finger with your thumb to keep track of your four counts. The goal is for each "segment" of the box to be the same length. Since you can't say the numbers out loud and breathe at the same time, touching a table or the inside of your hand is an easy way to be present and count.

What benefits does it bring?

It is necessary for our lives, and yet few of us think about the role that our breathing plays in our movement, mental health and general state of being. Although yoga uses the power of inhaling and exhaling, you don't have to be in the downward-facing dog pose to draw on your breath for strength and stability. Here's how regular breathing exercises can help:

Can calm and regulate the autonomic nervous system

Breathing has a natural way of allowing our nerves to release and relax. In fact, intentional deep breathing can calm and regulate the autonomic nervous system.

This system regulates involuntary body functions , including temperature. It can also lower blood pressure and provide an almost immediate sense of calm. Slowly holding your breath allows CO2 to build up in the blood. The increase in CO2 in the blood improves the cardio-inhibitory response of the vagus nerve when you exhale and stimulates your parasympathetic system. This produces a feeling of calm and relaxation in the mind and body.

Supports immune function

There is no way to avoid it: your mental state influences your physical state. That's why continually existing in a state of stress increases the production of cortisol , a hormone associated with stress.

Too much stress can increase susceptibility to viruses and contribute to the risk of depression, anxiety, and heart problems. When the body is in a state of stress, its most important defense mechanism, the immune system, is compromised. Breathing exercises, such as the box breathing technique, have been shown to reduce cortisol production.

Helps you focus

The next time your afternoon suddenly fills up with back to back meetings, sneak out for 10 minutes to try a breathing exercise; You could increase or decrease your productivity. Dr. Patel says that boxed breathing in particular can help shift your energy, connect more deeply with your body, and allow you to find your center of concentration.