Learn to make decisions without mistakes with these steps

The decisions are considered as a choice between several alternatives. However, this process is not easy. It comprises a complete exercise that ranges from choosing an option to executing it. Constantly, the human being is constantly choosing. Decide between eating sandwich or pasta. Walk to work or drive. Continue studying or working. To have children or not to be a father. Search for love or stay single. In short, decisions vary. From the simplest and most automatic, to truly complex choices.

tomar decisiones con estos sencillos pasos

In addition, the decision is highly conditioned by the moment and expectations. Well, faced with the same reality, we can make different decisions. Depending on the stage of life in which we find ourselves. On the other hand, they will always be directed to an end. To the achievement of objectives.

Therefore, it is important to stop and think about complex decisions. And dedicate the time that is necessary. Other times, what seems to be clear at first, we eventually realize that it was a mistake.

Mainly, elections are circumstances that push us to make a change. Sometimes decisions are imposed. That is, when a boss chooses between morning or afternoon shift. But most are circumstantial. We feel the internal force to effect a change. And many other times, we don’t know exactly why. We just intuit that something can go wrong or right.

Decisions are made 200 milliseconds before we are aware

Decision making will always have a constant factor. Uncertainty. Well, the impact cannot be specified. Therefore, there will always be a certain fear. Even stopping at it leads to feeling paralyzed.

According to authors specialized in the matter, the elections are made up of three stages. This procedure is universal. That is, it is worth as much to choose what to eat for lunch, as to decide whether to get into a mortgage.

The first phase to make decisions is based on the analysis of the possible scenarios. Take a pencil and paper and describe the situation and the decision to be made.

95% of decisions are driven by emotion

In the second decision phase, put the advantages in one row and the disadvantages in another. In this phase it is important to stop. Since the more detailed the ideas are, the easier it is to make the decision.

In the third decision stage, try to answer the questions. Such as what if I decide this? And if I do not do it?. What’s the worst that can happen? And the best? Does it pay to risk?

The idea of this decision-making exercise is to evaluate. That is, create a field of vision where you can position yourself with perspective. It will be possible to see clearly, what are the risks and the possibilities.

One of the most important aspects of making decisions is to eliminate the oppression of thoughts. Before doing this series of steps, you have to stop. And eliminate all preconceptions, fears and prejudices. Since these are obstacles that hinder free thought. You have to shed any oppressive conditioning. If decision-making is highly conditioned by pressure, it is better not to take it. Although not choosing, it also implies a decision. However, if time is required, part of it could be given to the exercise of releasing obstructive thoughts.

Above all, the most important thing about making decisions is that you have to be consistent. The degree of responsibility for the decision taken must be assumed. Although over time it will be proven whether it was successful or not. It is elementary that, even if we make mistakes, we know how to recognize our own decisions. Since many times, when things go wrong or we don’t like them, we usually blame the external. The decision process despite being conditioned by various factors. It is always an internal process.