What happens in the body if we stop taking aspartame?

Aspartame is a common artificial sweetener marketed under the Equal name . The Cancer Association claims that aspartame is about 200 times sweeter than sugar. It can be added to a variety of foods and drinks for a sweet taste but with fewer calories than usual. Aspartame can alter your brain chemistry and make you addicted. You will know if you are addicted to this artificial sweetener if you experience withdrawal symptoms after removing it from your diet.

What effects does it have on the brain?

Evidence suggests that the compounds that make up aspartame alter your dopamine system , making you crave this sweetener more. It also activates the food reward pathway in your brain, but because it doesn't provide calories, your body is still hungry for calories and more sweetness. It makes you crave more calories to fuel your cells and activate the food reward path again, meaning you'll be looking for another diet soda or a dose of aspartame. Its sweet taste leaves you on a cycle of craving for more sweets , according to a 2010 article in the Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine.

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What are the withdrawal symptoms?

When you eliminate aspartame from your diet, your body must get rid of residual sweetener chemicals like methanol, phenylalanine, and aspartic acid . You can experience aspartame withdrawal symptoms for up to 30 days, including headaches and mood swings after you leave aspartame. You may also experience irritability, depression, tension, nausea, and sweating .

You may have trouble quitting due to withdrawal symptoms, but continued use of this artificial sweetener is linked to various health issues, including psychological issues, digestive issues, skin rash, weight gain, and blurred vision . It is very important to identify all the products in which aspartame is hidden, such as yogurt and cereals, and eliminate it all at once.

After you quit, your body returns to its normal blood sugar and energy levels. Eat healthy foods like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean meats. Drink plenty of water to detoxify your system and promote digestive health . Find an exercise routine that you enjoy, whether it's jogging, yoga, or dancing, to help overcome withdrawal symptoms.

How to avoid this sweetener on a daily basis?

You may crave other sweets during aspartame withdrawal. Opt for natural sugars , such as honey, agave nectar, pure maple sugar, or dates. Better yet, choose fresh fruits and even veggies with a hint of sweetness, like carrots and sweet potatoes. It is also advisable to use sweet spices, such as ginger, cinnamon, and nutmeg , instead of real sugar. For example, add oatmeal, blueberries, and yogurt with these natural flavors, or sprinkle it on your coffee.

If you got most of the artificial sweetener through your diet, the caffeinated soda, you may also experience caffeine withdrawal symptoms . Caffeine withdrawal symptoms include fatigue, headache, decreased concentration, irritability, depression, anxiety, and flu-like symptoms.