Types of vegetarian diets What are their differences?

The confusion surrounding the different types of vegetarian diets never ceases to amaze . When most people are asked what a vegetarian is, their answer is usually something like “Someone who does not eat meat.” Even today, after much talk about vegetarianism, many people do not know that there are different vegetarian diets from those that occasionally include meat or fish, to those that only allow you to eat raw fruits and vegetables.

To clear up this confusion, at Healthy Sports we have put together a list of all the types of vegetarian diets out there . Next, we are going to establish the differences between diets and let people know that there are many different forms of vegetarianism today.

Discover the types of vegetarian diets

Flexitarian diet

“Flexitarian” is a relatively new term and flexitarians are often criticized for their lack of commitment as vegetarians. This is a type of on-off vegetarian diet in which a person generally follows a plant-based lifestyle but occasionally eats meat or fish , dairy, and eggs.

We forgive you for thinking that this diet is similar to that of a regular omnivore, but it does have its benefits. Many people follow this type of diet for a short period of time until they fully transition to a vegetarian, so it can be a good start for anyone looking to cut back on animal products.

Pescetarian diet

A pescatarian does not eat animal meat, but he does eat fish and shellfish. This is a semi-vegetarian diet similar to the flexitarian diet and some people do not consider it a vegetarian diet at all. The pescetarian diet also includes eggs and dairy products.

As with their Flexatarian friends, Pescetarians eat fewer animal products than those on a standard diet.

Pollotarian diet

dieta pollotariana

Another of the controversial types of vegetarian diets is pollotariana in which red meat, fish and shellfish are not included. However, this type of diet does include poultry, dairy products, and eggs.

The term pollotario broadens the definition of vegetarian a bit, although people who follow this type of diet are known more as semi-vegetarians.

Macrobiotic diet

Although this diet is not strictly labeled as a vegetarian diet, we think it deserves a mention.

People on a macrobiotic diet eat only unprocessed and unrefined foods, including fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Although those who follow this diet may occasionally eat fish, the diet consists mainly of vegan foods.

The emphasis on including Asian vegetables in this diet is what makes it unique, the macrobiotic diet is considered by many to have healing properties.

Lacto-ovo-vegetarian diet

We are now entering the realms of what many consider to be “true” vegetarians.

Of all the different types of vegetarian diets, lacto-ovo-vegetarian is the most common according to experts. However, it is important to remember that none of the above diets are considered by connoisseurs to be vegetarian.

Although all meat, poultry, and seafood are eliminated from this diet, a lacto-ovo-vegetarian can eat eggs and dairy products. Many feel that eating these foods is advantageous for them, as eating these products helps them avoid meat.

Lacto-vegetarian diet

The term “lacto-vegetarian” comes from the word “lactis”, which means milk in Latin. Lacto-vegetarians include dairy products in their diet, such as milk, cheese, and yogurts, but they do not eat meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, eggs, or products made with eggs.

Some people follow this type of vegetarian diet due to their religious beliefs, typically those that have a respect for all living things, such as: Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism . Ultimately, all of which follow the spiritual doctrine of Ahimsa. In general terms, Ahimsa means “do no harm.”

Vegan diet

This is one of the most popular types of vegetarian diets. Vegans do not eat meat, fish, poultry, poultry, fish, shellfish, eggs, dairy products, or any ingredient that comes from an animal or animal products. Vegans avoid all forms of animal products in the name of animal rights, the environment, and their own health.

It is important to remember that the term vegan does not only refer to diet, but also to lifestyle. For example, vegans will not or will not wear anything that is made from animal by-products, such as leather or wool.