The great importance of stretching in your workouts

Undoubtedly, practicing any sport discipline is synonymous with health and life, but not correctly performing a series of warm-ups or stretches before exercises, could lead to injuries to the human body.

And it is that any sport is based on the strengthening of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, stretching is necessary to avoid possible injuries due to lack of mobility. Studies in the sports area suggest that this practice be carried out before and after any exercise or sport routine.

Why and why stretch?

When we undergo training routines, our body experiences a series of physical changes that can benefit our health. For this, it is important to follow a series of recommendations in order to prepare our muscles and joints.

If we do not stretch, all the physical potential of the sports discipline is wasted, so a greater effort will be required, generating a lower than expected performance. In the worst case, the consequences of the lack of stretching is reflected the day after the training with inflammations in the muscles.

Although stretching may seem to be a simple or optional activity, its practice and incorporation into the sports routine helps the body not to suffer from poor elongation. That is why, before any activity, it is advisable to stretch the extremities of our body.

Promotes circulation

Circulation problems are reflected in most cases in the legs, causing conditions such as varicose veins, inflammation in the joints. Stretching routines before running, walking, or any sports activity can greatly improve blood flow throughout the body. The most common stretch to prepare the body for higher intensity events is walking. As we walk, we can breathe in breaths of air in order to prepare our body. At the same time, lifting movements of the arms and slight twists of the back can help promote better circulation.

Greater concentration

Perhaps this is one of the most interesting points in the practice of a sport, because concentrating consists of controlling the attention of something or someone. When training, the important thing is to dedicate time and space for this purpose, avoiding any event that generates interruption. Stretching allows you to get deeply involved with the activity to be carried out, since there are people who can easily disperse. Stretching exercises help you focus and set goals. Think about the goals we want to achieve.


Relax the muscles

Stretching exercises are effective in relieving muscle aches, especially in the lower back. In most cases, many people who start training in gyms or sports centers, ignore the stretching routine and start their routines ignoring this stage, bringing with it muscle injuries, the most common in the lower back. These ailments can extend for days even weeks. For this reason, it is not recommended to be inactive when undertaking a sporting activity.

Reduce tiredness

After an arduous day of exercises, it is most likely that our body will feel tired and without energy. It is logical to think that given the physical effort made, the correct thing to do is to shower and then rest in bed, but prior to all this it is advisable to perform a series of stretching exercises which will allow you to manage this exhaustion.

High-performance athletes or those preparing for a 10K race or competition can alternate their workouts with lower intensity exercises, such as spinning, zumba, or cardiobox.