Make your own homemade manicure with the following steps

The hands are a letter of introduction, which say a lot about people without the need to express a word. Therefore, keeping them neat and beautiful is a sign of concern for our body and our health. Learn how to do your own homemade manicure and wear beautiful hands that speak well of you.

Preparing your own homemade manicure has many advantages. First of all, it is not necessary that you find a place to go to a professional center, since you can have it at any time . On the other hand, costs are drastically reduced, since the same products can last you a long time . On the other hand, it is ideal to carry it out once a week to keep them in good condition, avoid damage from different causes and delay the appearance of signs of the passage of time.

Manicure is a thing for both men and women, without exceptions. So pay attention, stick with the steps, and start getting into the habit. If you start from now, it will be much easier to continue with it in the colder months, where temperatures and external factors can damage them more intensely.

Steps to make your own homemade manicure

1.Use a cotton pad or disc soaked in nail polish remover, and run it over your nails to remove enamel residues, dirt or grease. It is recommended to use products without acetone. They are less aggressive and do not dry out the nail, taking care of it and keeping it healthier.

2. File your nails giving the shape that you like the most. It is important that you avoid doing it with scissors or nail clippers. In this way, you prevent the nail from breaking or its layers from separating.

3. Wet them with soap and water and, with the help of a special brush, gently rub them to remove dirt and impurities. Dry them and continue with your manicure.

4.Use c rima to soften the cuticles and once the product is applied, push with an orange stick . Put them back in a bowl with water and then dry them.

5.Apply vegetable oil , castor oil for example, and massage to penetrate well and you can benefit from all its properties. Let it act for a few minutes.

6.Wash them with soap and water to remove product residue and apply a nail hardener . Choose it as natural as possible, avoiding components that can be very aggressive. This product prevents nails from drying out, softening, or breaking.

7.Finally, if you wish, choose a polish or gloss and apply it for a final ad touch.

Check out our post about how to make your hands look pretty, and make them always perfect and in good condition. Now that you know how to take care of your hands and nails, make it a weekly habit. You will notice the difference!