Jump rope training: an adaptation of the traditional rope jump

Do you remember when as a kid you used to jump rope just for fun? It was a way to meet and share with your friends. Today, jumping rope has acquired other connotations. Thanks to the various sports disciplines that make use of rope training as an effective tool . We can see how every day more athletes and coaches use it to achieve incredible results. In the following lines we will tell you everything about this new training trend that is very fashionable …

Choosing a rope is the first step

If it is a sports activity that involves tools or instruments for its execution. So one of the most important things is the quality of the material from which they are made. Therefore, when it comes to jumping rope, there is no exception. Choosing the best rope is necessary if we want to avoid injuries or impediments when performing the exercise.

There are two factors that must be taken into account when choosing a rope. Most importantly, avoid injury at all costs. And, secondly, the effectiveness of the tool. In the latter case, it is related to the materials and designs that allow obtaining the best physical performance.

Although jumping rope or rope is one of the exercises that has almost no risk of injury. Care must be taken. Unlike running, in the case of jumping rope. The joints are less compromised. The position of the body when jumping places less stress on the muscles and limbs. However, if we choose the wrong camber we can compromise posture and eventually generate some type of unwanted injury.

Choose a rope that optimizes physical work

As we mentioned earlier, jumping rope has a very low injury rate. The legs are slightly bent and the jump is cushioned with the middle of the foot. In general terms, the effort is perfectly distributed throughout the entire leg . However, there are certain risks when it comes to jumping rope.

Tangle, bad posture, and unwanted jumping technique are common risks. In all these cases, these failures are related to the camber itself. That is, with the tool that is used. Turns out, a rope that is heavy, short, or made from a non-suggested material can be the triggers for mistakes that can later turn into injuries and more.

Optimizing your physical performance should be the main reason when choosing the right rope for you. There are different types of strings. These vary according to the goal you want to achieve in your training. Speed, skill, strength and endurance are just some of the goals that are pursued. Depending on them, ropes have been designed that adapt to the requirements …

Types of ropes according to the purposes you pursue

According to the effects you want to achieve on your body or the use you want to make of the rope. Depending on the sports discipline where you are going to apply it. There are various kinds of strings. Which, vary especially in regards to thickness and diameter. In addition to the material used to make them. Between them…

Jump rope for fitness or crossfit

Speed is sought. It is a rope that is becoming more popular every day. This is especially due to the fact that more and more people are becoming adept at crossfit. In this case, the athlete is looking for speed. In addition to the expertise of being able to perform double jumps. Tools that are used in some specific Wods. Which include jumping rope in combination with other strength exercises.

It is important to note that there are 2 measurements for the rope cables. Those of 4 and those of 2.5 millimeters. The latter is the most recommended for the practice of crossfit with rope.

Una herramienta deportiva a través de la comba o cuerda de saltar

2.5mm Camber

Although they are one of the most used, they are not recommended in certain cases. In fact, if you are jumping rope you should not opt for one of them. It happens that, they are more difficult to use and for a beginner they are not of great help in perfecting their technique. Because they are so light, the twist is not felt. In this way, it is more expensive to find the required rope technique.

However, these ropes are what should be used for competitions. Let us remember that those who compete are already outstanding athletes in rope jumping. On the other hand , it is important to note that this cable thickness produces less impact and muscle damage. In short, it turns out to be an excellent long-term option. But, if you are just starting out, you shouldn’t learn from them.

4 mm camber

Due to its size this camber is heavier. This makes it ideal for beginners. Since, it allows them to acquire the technique. Above all, in terms of rhythm and cadence. Muscularly it is easier to master than the 2 millimeter. They are optimal for training strength and power sports such as boxing.

This rope not only allows you to improve your speed, but also your resistance. In addition, it involves a greater mastery of the body. Since, the muscles are more compromised. However, they have a negative aspect. They are generally made of dense wire. This makes the blows that can be received with it wrong to be really unpleasant and painful.

The best deals we have found to buy a jump rope


Due to the material from which they are made. Jumping rope should take place on smooth floors. Wood, rubber or stoneware are the most recommended. Rustic floors are not suitable for training of this type. Since, they involve a greater wear of the camber material. The prices of these tools will depend on the brand and the quality of the material with which they have been made. The material is a determining factor in terms of wear and durability that they can have.