Is it bad to cook in the microwave?

The microwave oven is one of the most used kitchen appliances. Many people use it to reheat and cook food, but how does a microwave oven work? And most importantly, is it harmful to cook in a microwave oven?

Since microwaves generate radiation, then it is reasonable to worry that their frequent use could lead to some long-term health problems. However, despite the fact that this oven is part of the lifestyle of many people, you need to know if it is really bad to use it.

How does a microwave work when cooking food?

Microwaves are part of the electromagnetic spectrum, as are radio and sound waves that are used not only in television broadcasting, radar, and mobile phones, but also for cooking and reheating food. Microwave radiation is of the “non-ionizing” type, and like light it does not have the energy to change the molecular composition of substances.

Materials react to microwave radiation in different ways. For example, metallic objects react to microwave radiation , glass is transparent to them, while plastics react differently depending on their type.

Materials that contain water such as food and the body absorb microwave energy. Once absorbed, it turns into heat, and this is how food is heated.

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Is it safe to heat food in a microwave?

There are a couple of things to consider for your safety in relation to microwave use.

1. Thermal effects

Foods that are made up of materials and that are heated at different rates can heat unevenly and explode. For example, if you put something in the water like a tea bag or instant coffee, it can boil suddenly. In this regard, the FDA has received several reports from people who are seriously injured by this phenomenon.

2. Good cooking of food

Microwaves do not cook thick pieces of food evenly. For example, the inside of a large piece of chicken is cooked by conduction of heat from the outside of the food. The potential danger is that the interior cannot reach a high enough temperature to kill bacteria and other microorganisms that can cause disease.

3. Safety in the use of microwaves

Currently the safety of using microwaves is hotly debated. Although this radiation is non-ionizing, the biggest concern about its use lies in how the radiation can change the chemical structure of the food that is cooked. To date, there is no definitive data to prove or disprove whether these ovens can alter the composition of food, and although it may seem unlikely, it does not escape the possibility of it happening.

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Another concern is that it is said that radiation from microwave ovens can escape and damage human tissues. However, these furnaces are strictly regulated at the international level and it is stated not to emit radiation anywhere at least in an amount that causes damage. However, it is necessary to take the precaution of moving away certain parts of your body that are more susceptible to damage such as the eyes while using the microwave.

4. Chemicals

When plastic products are heated in the microwave, large amounts of bisphenol , a chemical used to make plastics, can be released, which could cause damage to the body including neurological deterioration. That is why it is recommended not to heat plastic in the microwave regardless of what the packaging says.

Should I stop using a microwave?

Research points to some implications of frequent microwave use. However, this is a personal choice that responds to your lifestyle, interests, and occupations. If you use a microwave, its benefits may outweigh the risks. Therefore, using it can be a valuable tool for a busy person, although always being aware of the risks that its misuse may entail.


  • Seltzer, C. Is Microwave Cooking Bad For Your Health? – Safety & Side Effects. For Builtlean [Revised January 2016]