6 exercises with rubber bands to tone your back easily

Working your back muscles is a great way to achieve proper body posture. In addition, by defining these muscles we make our body look more elegant and slim. The elastic bands offer the possibility of training both in the gym and at home , they are easy to use and comfortable to carry. Looking for a defined and toned back ? If you are one of those who do workouts at home, here we bring you the best 6 exercises with rubber bands to tone your back from home.

Consigue una espalda tonificada con los mejores ejercicios con gomas

Exercise routine with rubber bands to tone back

Exercising is essential to lead a healthy life . Currently, Covid-19 has brought a series of restrictions that have led to people being limited when exercising their body, however, many have taken the initiative to exercise at home either with dumbbells, weight machines, weights or rubber bands .

Elastic bands are an ideal tool for toning almost all the muscles of the body with a very low risk of injury and are used for various types of workouts. With the elastic bands you can perform an excellent routine to strengthen your back and enjoy a simple workout at home.

If you want to check the benefits offered by exercises with rubber bands to tone back, include the following routine in your training. Here are the best 6 exercises with rubber bands to tone your back .

Rowing with elastic bands

First, you should choose an elastic band with the resistance that suits your level of training . The elastic bands differentiate their resistance with colors , so choose the one that suits you best for this type of back exercises.

Seated rowing

Sit with your legs extended on the floor or with your knees slightly bent, place the elastic band on the soles of your feet, right in the middle of the sole of the shoes. Take the band with your hands at each end and keep your back straight, then bring your elbows back in coordination up to the height of the hips creating tension in the garters. Try to keep your arms close to the sides of your body and do 8 to 10 repetitions.

Rowing to the neck

Find the middle part of the rubber band and place it under the feet, holding the ends with both hands. Spread and slightly bend your legs. Then bring your elbows up from the sides of your head trying to bring the rubber towards your chin. Perform 10-12 reps.

Horizontal row

Bring one end of the rubber band under one of your feet and keep the other foot back with your back slightly bent. Then hold the other end of the band with the hand on the opposite side. With the arm always flexed, bring the elbow back on the side of the body. You can also do the exercise with both arms at the same time. Perform 10-12 reps for each set.

Chest Press , one of the best exercises with rubber bands to tone back

The first thing you need to do to perform this exercise is to get a high place to hold the elastic band . The most practical is to do it from the frame of a door. After placing the rubber you should kneel on the floor and hold the elastic band at each end with your hands.

To achieve the effectiveness of the exercise you should pull the rubber leaning slightly backwards . You want to get the elastic band to reach the clavicle area and not the head. Perform 10-12 reps.

Standing pullover

The pullover is an excellent exercise to activate the lats of the back . First, place the rubber band on a high surface, get a good back posture, and lean forward. Try to bring the hip to 90º of flexion, in this way you will get more movement.

When you achieve this position, try to pull the handles of the elastic band towards the hips with a diagonal movement. Do the exercise 8 to 10 times.

Press up, another terrific exercise to tone back gums

This is a highly recommended exercise to relieve neck and upper back discomfort . Begin the exercise by holding the resistance band at each end. Stand with one leg forward and one leg back. Place your foot through the center of the band and stretch both arms overhead.

Make sure the band is behind the elbows. Then lower your arms by bending your elbows and raise them again. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times.

Band Pull Apart

It is an extraordinary exercise to exercise the deep muscles of the back . First, stand upright with a cross posture and semi-flexed arms. Continue to hold the ends of the band with each hand and pull back as if you want to carry them across your back. For the execution of the exercise, a low resistance rubber is recommended . Perform 8-10 reps.

Back opening

First hold the band in a zone of medium elevation. Stand up and grasp the ends of the rubber band with your hands, keep your arms extended in front of your chest. Next, pull the fasteners of the elastic band back with a movement of your arms on each side of your body. Keep your arms and back straight during the movement. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times.