Monk fruit sugar the sweetener you'll want to try

Monk fruit sugar or monk fruit sugar is a type of natural sweetener with a very curious history behind it. This sweetener is gaining a certain prominence today and some point out it as the most direct competitor of the famous Stevia. Throughout this text we are going to learn many things about monk fruit sugar and more than one is going to surprise us a lot.

Today we are going to know a sweetener that is becoming fashionable, and we are not surprised, since it has no calories, no fat, no carbohydrates, or anything. It is literally a 0.0% sweetener with a very high sweetening power, so much so that it has become the rival of Stevia.

It is a matter of time before we see monk fruit sugar in supermarkets more frequently, although the important thing is not to see it on the shelves and be able to buy it, but rather that the food industry is able to substitute refined and unhealthy sugar for a healthy alternative. .

We are going to review everything that is known about monk fruit sugar, from its history and origin, through its nutritional values, to its main benefits and it will be there when we understand why we should change white sugar for this healthy alternative.

What is monk fruit sugar?

This sugar is a new type of very healthy natural sweetener that has been approved by different international organizations, since it does not present any health risk. Despite the fame this sugar is getting now, few people know where it comes from.

It is a fruit similar to a green melon, but small in size that has been cultivated for several centuries and the tradition goes back to the Luóhàn Buddhist monks. Hence, this monk fruit is also known as luo han guo .

This fruit is originally from China and northern Thailand and is very difficult to grow and even more difficult to proliferate in an unsuitable climate, since it needs a subtropical area near mountains, the perfect microclimate for its ripening.

It is difficult to see that fruit near our town, what is beginning to be seen with more assiduity is the sugar that is extracted from that fruit. It is not a very common product yet, but everything indicates that it will become so little by little, in addition, there are many products that already change the traditional white sugar for this healthy alternative.

Nutritional values and curiosities

The nutritional values of monk fruit sugar are 0.0% all, that is, there are no fats, no calories, no carbohydrates, no proteins, no fiber, or anything. There are some vitamins and minerals, but for it to be a remarkable amount we would have to consume a large amount of this sugar. In addition, the consumption of sweetener or sweetener products that come in powder form and are manufactured from natural fruits do not provide micronutrients, since everything is lost along the way.

As a curiosity, we will say that this sweetener has a sweetening power superior to the white sugar that we use at home. It is estimated to have between 150 and 250 times more sweetening power than the refined white sugar we use today. When compared to Stevia, the latter wins, since it is a healthy sweetener and has a sweetening power between 200 and 400 times higher than normal sugar.

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Benefits of monk fruit sugar

Like all food, it always has benefits, if it did not have them, it would not be marketed, although this is a bit contradictory, since there are some products on the market that today we still wonder why they are sold if they have been shown many times that they are harmful to health, such as Coca-Cola

Does not affect blood sugar levels

The positive is that monk fruit sugar does not alter blood glucose levels, making it suitable for diabetics . So far everything seems fine and perfect, but the problem is finding pure monk fruit sugar, since normally some manufacturers mix different types of sweeteners. This is why before choosing a product we always recommend reading its label carefully and not getting carried away by its packaging, name, colors, and such.

This sweetener has no sugar, no fat, or anything at all, however, when mixed with others, the levels can increase significantly. Remember that a tablespoon of this sugar is not the same for a yogurt or a dessert, than using 80 or 90 grams for a sponge cake, cake or other pastry recipe.

Has anti-inflammatory properties

Among the benefits of monk fruit sugar are anti-inflammatory properties. This is because the same substance that gives it that sweetness is the one that has properties that will help our body not to become inflamed. Today there are many diseases without inflammatory symptoms, so a diet rich in foods that are not prone to further inflaming the body is recommended.

Also, the mogrosides contained in this sweetener show promise in inhibiting the growth of harmful cells and are capable of preventing chronic diseases. They are associated with very small curative effects in cancer patients because it manages to break cancer cell communication.

Helps to lose weight

If we take a teaspoon of monk fruit sugar we will notice it super sweet, however, as it does not have fat, carbohydrates, calories or anything, it is not harmful for weight loss diets . In general, this sweetener is not harmful to anyone, otherwise, it would not be approved by different international organizations.

Taking low-fat sweeteners helps reduce our body weight precisely because we are not including empty calories that are so hard to eliminate during workouts.


The short answer is: no contraindications. While the long answer is that no international body has seen signs of side effects in people after conducting the relevant tests. Some type of allergy may arise, but it is VERY rare.

On the other hand, Stevia does tend to cause allergies and some adverse effects. Monk fruit sugar, as it has no protein, is very unlikely to report allergies and adverse or toxic effects . So much so that it is considered safe for pregnant women, breastfeeding women and young children.