Make your own homemade muesli with no added sugar

Surely you love those delicious breakfasts that include muesli. And it gives it a delicious touch and a special texture. However, as we usually tell you, it has nothing to do with consuming our own preparations, with the products we buy. Therefore, you are surely interested in knowing how to prepare your own homemade muesli without added sugar. We will tell you!

The best thing about preparing your own homemade muesli is that, apart from being very simple , it keeps for a long time. Also, it is much healthier than commercial muesli . In this way, we are able to eliminate certain added sugars that this preparation usually contains. Preparing homemade muesli gives you the possibility of adding all kinds of natural cereals, according to your preferences, in a 100% personalized way. Thus, it is a great option for a healthy, energetic and satisfying breakfast . And remember, no added sugars!

muesli casero

There are many breakfasts that you can prepare using homemade muesli. You have many alternatives according to your tastes and with which you will not get bored. You can mix it with kefir and red berries, with vegetable milk, with 0% yogurt and fruit …

muesli casero

Why choose homemade muesli?

Muesli is a mixture of different cereals, fruits, nuts and / or seeds, ideal for a healthy, rich, energetic and satisfying breakfast. It favors digestive health and contributes to a correct intestinal transit ; takes care of the nervous system , strengthens the health of the heart and provides a large amount of energy. Muesli is rich in a large amount of vitamins and minerals , thanks to the mixture of ingredients, which promote the proper functioning of the body.

When we decide to make our own homemade muesli, in addition to the general benefits, we are adding some extra. And it is that we can control the quality of the products we use, making sure that it does not contain hydrogenated fats, preservatives and sugars or sweeteners harmful to our health.


  • 250g of five-grain flakes (oats, rye, barley, whole wheat, whole rice)
  • 2 handfuls of puffed brown rice
  • 75g raisins
  • 30g of rolled almonds
  • 30 chopped walnuts
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1 cup agave syrup



We preheat the oven to 200ºC.

Then …

We place 250g of flakes from five cereals in a large bowl. Add 2 handfuls of brown puffed rice, with no added sugars, 30 chopped walnuts, 75g raisins, 2 egg yolks, and 1 cup agave syrup.


We stir everything well, until the two egg yolks and the agave syrup impregnate all the muesli.

In a non-stick ovenproof tray …

We dump the mixture and spread it leaving a thin and uniform layer so that all the ingredients toast equally.

We put in the oven and …

Bake at 200ºC for 20 minutes, opening the oven every 5 minutes to move the homemade muesli and brown it everywhere.


Take the tray out of the oven and let the muesli cool, until it becomes more consistent and crisp.


We can take our homemade muesli with yogurt, milk or with a fruit smoothie to complete this Fitness breakfast. We can also keep it in a glass or glass jar with a lid so that it does not soften, for a month or so.

muesli casero