Losing weight or losing fat without doing cardio is possible with these tips

Does the idea of ​​spending time on the treadmill terrify you? Does thinking about mountain races overwhelm you? Cardio in general can be difficult for people who are not used to it since a workout of this type can take the breath away from people who do not usually do it. It increases cardiovascular health, but it is not essential and it is possible to lose fat without doing cardio.

You can lose fat without doing traditional cardio. There is no denying that sprints or HIIT can really be effective in reducing body fat, as it increases your metabolic rate and increases fat burning, but for those who want to avoid cardio altogether, there are other options. Cardio is often the recommended method of fat loss, but you’ll be glad to know that it’s not the only one. You can lose body fat without doing cardio by following a few tips.

Fat loss occurs when you eat fewer calories than you burn. Cardio can be an efficient way to burn more calories, but it is not the only one. Building more muscle and eating fewer calories also helps you achieve a calorie deficit. So it’s okay to get off the treadmill when fat loss is your goal, but you’ll still need to spend time at the gym in the strength-training room, as well as stick to a healthy diet.

Strength training to lose fat without cardio

entrenamiento para quemar grasa

Strength training is an absolute must for fat loss. If you simply cut calories, your body will reduce lean mass along with fat as you lose weight. Therefore, you can lose weight without exercising, but you will not lose an optimal amount of fat. But, if you show your body that muscle is essential and that you are using it through strength training , your body will focus on losing fat while gaining healthy, lean muscle . A more muscular body is also more efficient in using calories, so it is also better able to maintain fat in the long term.

Full body program

Begin with a full-body program that engages all major muscle groups, including the back, chest, arms, shoulders, abs, thighs, and hips. If you are new to strength training, use your own body weight in exercises such as squats, push-ups, sit-ups, jumps, and lunges. You can also include light weights; Alternatively, use weight training machines to learn the proper way to do the exercises. Over time, you will progress to train with more weight and challenge yourself in each workout with 2 or 4 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions of each exercise. Commit to a full workout two to three times a week every other day.

Control your calories

If you want to lose fat without doing cardio, you need to be very careful about your daily calorie intake. Extreme calorie deprivation slows down your metabolism and causes your body to hold on to fat to avoid starvation. However, you can moderately reduce the number of calories to achieve fat loss.

Calories are the most important weight loss factor. If you calculate your caloric expenditure levels and subtract 100-200 calories, you will lose weight. Your body fat levels don’t adequately understand the difference between burning 1,000 calories through exercise or eating 1,000 fewer calories. However, it is important to know well what the intake of the main macronutrients should be in order to reduce calorie intake adequately.

The best way to reduce your calorie intake is to avoid added sugars in beverages and sweets, as well as to avoid the refined carbohydrates found in white bread, white rice, and most breakfast cereals. Instead, you can include more lean proteins like chicken meat and fresh green vegetables. Small amounts of whole grains and healthy fats, like avocado and olive oil, are perfect for completing a healthy eating plan.

Move more

Even if you don’t do cardio on a daily basis, you can still have opportunities to move and burn more calories. This move, known as Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis or NEAT , is an essential tool for fat loss and body weight control.

You can burn a significant amount of calories simply by moving more, whether that’s getting up every so often, running errands, or taking the stairs instead of an elevator. Studies show that a 70-pound person can burn 130 calories simply by pushing the shopping cart at the grocery store when shopping for groceries. Spontaneous activity helps you maximize the amount of calories you burn daily , without having to run, ride a bike, swim an hour a day.